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Reece and Malia braced themselves for the outburst because they knew Steph could go full Godzilla mode on her two best friends for hiding their relationship from her for so long. But nothing of that sort happened.

Stephanie was shocked no doubt but she didn't retaliate just yet, knowing that their reason for hiding it from her had been valid. And then she also realized that everything Reece had said to her, back when she had broken up with Tim, was from experience.

So instead of reprimanding them, she stepped forward and gathered the two in a hug. After all, they needed comfort rather than a scolding at the moment.

Reece let out the breath he was holding, relief washing over his features. When Steph pulled apart, she said, "I'm letting you guys off this once but if you even think of hiding such a huge thing from me again, you'll suffer."

"No more secrets, we promise," Malia agreed readily, a soft smile gracing her face as well.

"Though I must say you two are brilliant actors," Steph resumed, the tension in the atmosphere dissolving by then, "you didn't even let me suspect and that's a giant accomplishment since nothing of this sort escapes my notice."

"We know so we had to be twice more cautious," Reece added, "but seriously Steph, it felt awful not to tell you the truth. The only reason we didn't bring it up was because we didn't want to ruin the friendship we had now."

"Yeah," Malia nodded, "what me and Reece had in the past had ended on a very sour note and it was difficult for us to pretend being just friends in front of you. I mean... It was terrible. But with time I realized that in spite of all, Reece still was a very good friend to me and I couldn't let go of our friendship either. So we felt it would be easy to never recall the past and continue as your friends."

Green eyes flickered from grey to brown as Steph observed the two, "it's okay, I don't want you to bring up the past either. But what about the present? Are you guys still just friends or...?"

She deliberately left the sentence incomplete, noticing the faint blush creeping up on Malia's cheeks.

Reece had to answer that once, "well, uh... We tried to fix our relationship again."


"And... And you could say we're together."

Her eyes sparked in mischief, "what do you mean you could say that? Why don't you say it as it is?"

"Yes, we are together," Malia replied, the red on her face deepening as Steph reached forward to gently pinch the crimson cheeks.

"I still can't believe I didn't realize this sooner, you two are such an adorable mess around each other. How could I not figure it out?"

Reece shrugged, "guess we got lucky that you didn't notice earlier. But yeah now that you do know, is there any guarantee that you won't tease us about this?"

Stephanie laughed, green eyes glittering playfully, "of course not, you're in for a lifetime of teasing."

"Heaven forbid," Malia mumbled, "we're your friends, Steph, have mercy."

"I've told you I've let you off easy this once but nowhere did I mention that you guys won't have to pay for keeping such a big secret from me. And this, my dears, is the perfect punishment for you two."


He had interlaced his fingers through her delicate hands, his lips brushing over her knuckles gently. Malia leaned closer as he connected their lips together, melting into the kiss.

"It's almost dinner time, I said I'll be back by then," she pulled apart slightly, not wanting to let go of him but the clock indicated otherwise.

"We could ask Steph to call your Mom... Or wait, I'll do it."

She watched as he partially disentangled himself from her, his hand reaching out for his phone as he dialed Mrs Simmonds' phone number and put it on speaker mode.

A few rings later, her mother picked up, "hello?"

"Good day, Aunt Laura."

She recognized the voice immediately, "Reece dear, how have you been?"

"Great actually," he replied, a smile flickering on his face as Malia rose an eyebrow at him, "how are you all?"

"Very good, I suppose you and Malia are at Steph's place. I was just wondering when she'd be back."

"Yeah that's why I called precisely," he resumed, "Steph has stopped us for a movie night and we might get late so is it okay if Malia stays here? I promise I'll drop her back home after breakfast tomorrow."

There was a slight pause and Malia looked at him skeptically as if assessing that her mother would disagree. Reece gently squeezed her hand, letting her know that won't be the case.

And true enough, she agreed eventually, "alright then. It was nice you called to let me know beforehand. Just come after nine tomorrow, okay?"

"Thanks Aunt Laura, you're the best."

Her light laughter resonated as she replied, "you're welcome. And don't you kids stay up the entire night watching movies, it's bad for the eyes and can give a headache."

"Sure, don't worry. We'll wrap it up soon."

"Bye dear, send my love to Steph."

"Of course, see you tomorrow."

The call disconnected at last and Malia let out the breath she was holding in anticipation, "thank goodness..."

Reece looked at her with a triumphant smile on his face, "see, that wasn't a problem. You were panicking for no reason."

She shoved him playfully, "you're too good at lying, shouldn't I be worried?"

His arms encircled her by the waist as he pulled her closer, forehead resting against hers, "why would I ever lie to you, Mals?"

"Some movie you're going to be watching tonight," she teased but he refused to let go of her so soon.

"The best one, I may add."

The red tainting her cheeks matched the shade of her lips and he couldn't resist as he leaned in for another kiss. He had never before felt so free of all the troubles burdening him and he didn't want to let go of that feeling ever.

Malia made him feel alive, the sense of being close to her and to be able to hold her and kiss her was nothing short of heaven to him. And all those years he had spent without her seemed like an inexplicable torture that he couldn't bear to go through ever again.

"I love you," he whispered softly, his voice tingling her skin as his lips pressed on to her jawline, trailing down to the collarbone as she arched her head back. "I might not have said it before, but I've always loved you, Malia. That's one thing that won't ever change."

Those words brought back the past to some extent, her eyes welling up as she recalled that day she had broken things off with him years ago.

You never loved me, you only care about what your father thinks, her own words from that day were still sharp clear in her conscience.

"My world was grey without you but the colors are gradually coming back," he resumed, palm fitting across the curve of her cheek as he tilted her face so that his brown eyes were looking in watery grey, "please don't ever leave me again, I can't bear to lose the colors once more."

She nestled her head in his neck, her arms wrapping around him as she pulled him closer, tears falling onto his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

The sudden apology caught him by surprise, "what for?"

But she didn't want to bring up the past and ruin his mood so she chose not to answer that. Instead she replied, "I love you too, Reece. Always have, always will."


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