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Reece had asked his father to sit down on the small couch in the living room while both him and Malia were standing in front of him. Malia's hand was tightly gripping his arm as if afraid to let him go and Reece himself was stiff, not knowing whether his father truly meant those words or not.

"I have been terrible to you," Dave spoke up, "and I know I don't deserve to be forgiven but..."

"I forgave you long ago, Dad," he spoke up, "when I left even then I had told you that I have not ended all my relation with you. You are still my father and nothing can change that."

Hearing that sent a slight ray of hope and Dave thought he might get his son back after all. But that faint ray was extinguished as Reece resumed.

"But I can not go back with you. I know you came here to apologize and I can see that you want me to come back but I'm sorry, that's not possible."

Silence prevailed in the atmosphere as Dave considered what to say next. He had expected a worse reaction instead Reece had immediately forgiven him, the only condition he had placed was that of not returning.

"I promise I won't force anything upon you," he made one last attempt, "you can live your life however you like and I won't interfere. I just want you to come back to your home, to your family."

Reece shook his head, "it took me so long to break free from there, I'm never going to willingly return."

"But, son... You live in pitiable conditions here," the words were out at last, brown eyes sweeping over the tiny apartment, "I can see how hard it is for you to fend for yourself on your own, I just want what's better for you."

"These may be pitiable conditions to you but for me this is home. My home, my family," he held Malia close evidently to prove his point, "and even if it is hard for me to fend for myself here, I have finally stood up on my feet and I would like to keep it that way."

Dave didn't know what to say next because he could see Reece wasn't going to change his decision. He remembered all those years of feeding into Reece's head that the boy was nothing without his father's rank and protection, years of manipulation and steering his son's life to his own heart's content were hitting back with full force.

If Reece had decided not to come back, he could see he had valid reasons for it. He had never given him a reason to think of him as a shelter or as a support that a family member should be. All his son had thought of him was as an intimidating figure and that was solely due to how Dave had kept treating him ever since he was just a kid.

Young and impressionable, easily trusting and even easier to be scared.

He had influenced his young brain from such an early age that by the time Reece finally broke free, it took him longer to recover from the years of manipulation inflicted upon him. And if it hadn't been for his friends, he might have never come back to normal.

"I might have to leave Gotham," Dave spoke up at last, "I didn't want to leave without you."

"I can't agree to that. But you can stay with us for dinner tonight," the boy offered, his eyes softening, "who knows when we will ever meet again? Probably never."

It was surprising how Reece was still kind towards him, still treating him with respect even though he had done nothing to deserve it. And at that moment the guilt struck even harder because he had himself pushed such a gem of a child away from him to the extent that even looking him in the eyes right then was painful.

"So you won't change your mind?"

"No. I'm sorry," his tone was firm but there was no trace of hatred in it, no trace of contempt or loathing. Instead it was mildly apologetic, just like it had been the day Reece had left.

The only difference was that he was no longer uncertain of his decision and didn't need Tim or anyone else to push him to take that step. He was confident that he was doing the right thing, that returning to Dave was a choice he would regret making so he would rather not repeat that mistake.

Dave stood up but he was no longer the man who strode with the air of a commanding leader, instead he looked more like a man with his only support stolen away. And the bitter irony was that he himself was responsible for that loss. 

"Dad, I meant it when I said I want you to stay for dinner."

His voice was defeated as he replied, "no thank you, I must leave now."

His hands shook slightly as he reached towards the door but Reece stepped forward, holding it open for him.

"I have forgiven you," he repeated, "don't hold that against yourself."

Dave looked at him for one last time, observing how alive and content his son looked even in those so called pitiable conditions he had referred his tiny apartment to. And it was then Dave learnt another lesson that money couldn't buy happiness nor comfort. 

Even the most expensive of houses couldn't make one happy and even that cheap rental apartment was nothing short of heaven for the boy standing in front of him.

"You are starting classes at Nexus, I heard," he remarked before stepping out, "I paid for all the semester fees. I know you will say that it wasn't needed but don't refuse."

"But Dad, I was managing well enough on my own."

"Don't refuse," he emphasized, "like you said, we might probably never meet again. But I want to do something for you, even though I lost that right years ago..."

Brown eyes connected with his briefly, "it was unnecessary."

"Please, Reece, don't refuse."

He thought for a while then nodded, "fine. But you're not going to interfere in anything else. I deal with my expenses on my own, I don't need you to help. Please."

"As you wish," the elder man nodded and though he was disappointed that he would be returning alone, he didn't press it for he knew he didn't deserve that chance.


The soft melody playing on the guitar and the cheerful atmosphere of the room were nothing when compared to the clear voice singing along with the music. Reece was surrounded by the children to who he taught music at the rehabilitation center and at the moment, he was playing some of his original songs out to them.

He was no longer afraid of singing to an audience other than Tim, in fact ever since he took the life-changing step of breaking free, he had become more confident and embraced his hobbies once again.

The rehabilitation center wasn't the only place where he sang or played the guitar, in fact occasionally he would play and sing for private gatherings such as parties or weddings as well. His classes at Nexus had started so he had evening shifts at the center and right then, all his little students were glad to be in his company after one whole week of absence as he had to take leave for his exams.

Tennis was once again a huge part of Reece's life as he had qualified for the National level championship sponsored by his college. If he won the championship, he could qualify for the international levels as well which could land him a chance of seeking the sport as a profession instead of just a hobby.

Things were finally looking up for all of them. Malia had found a job at an NGO, working for the betterment of the homeless orphans in Gotham and as her NGO was in close connection with the rehab center Reece taught in, the two would often be found working together to help out the children, providing them a family and space to call their own.

Tim and Steph visited Reece and Malia often and Steph had found someone to deem worthy of her attention as well. As for Tim, he preferred not being in a relationship anymore for he didn't want to destroy anyone else's expectations of him.

Needless to say, the four friends were finally adjusting to their lives and accepting their fates, making the best possible outcome from whatever they were faced with. 

And even though they lived in Gotham where things could turn for the worse any second, they believed that as long as they were together, nothing could ever tear them apart.


Falsetto | T. Drake ✔Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu