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Drowning himself in work seemed to be Tim's favorite pastime. He could go for hours at an end without taking a single break, his thermos of coffee beside him as he buried himself in work, both necessary and frivolous. At times, it seemed as if the prospect of taking a break induced some sort of inexplicable horror inside him.

He felt as if the only way to fill the void inside him was to occupy himself at all times so that he wouldn't get even a second to feel the horrible emptiness.

His phone lit up with a text and he absentmindedly looked at the screen which showed the text was from Reece: Can we meet? I have to talk to you.

Blue eyes flickered towards the clock, judging if he had enough time to spare for him. But then Tim had always made an exception for the boy, even if he didn't have time to spare, he would have looked for another way.

So he typed back: By evening sounds good to me. Coffee shop?

The screen lit up with another text shortly after: No. My place.

His brow furrowed slightly, feeling there was something wrong. But he didn't ask further, reverting his focus towards the computer screen again.

Ever since Tim had returned after faking his death for a couple months to go after the League of Shadows by himself, everything about him had changed. He had gotten more paranoid about his duties as a vigilante, his family had noticed his detachedness as well but had never received a convincing reason to it.

Tim acted as if he was fine but deep down the truth was far from that.

He still cared a lot about the people around him. The only one he didn't care about was his own self.

Day by day his lack of concern for his own well being had increased, coming to a point that he had no regard for himself. In his view he was just a soldier in battle, waiting for his time to sacrifice himself for the safety of others.

He became no more than a soldier even; going about his daily life like a robot with a fixed programming, having no knowledge of his expiration date yet waiting for it all to end at the same time.

Because to him, that was the only purpose he served in nature's vast chessboard.

A soldier to be sacrificed, a martyr for his loved ones, a pawn to take down the king eventually.

It was almost as if the reason he had to keep living was for the sake of the people he cared for. He no longer had any personal reason or will for survival.

Then among all the chaos he was stuck in, his attention had been caught by Steph's best friend.

Reece Parker. Apparently an average boy with dreams and ambitions but deep down a reflection of his own past self.

Reece reminded him of the conflict he had been through and he could see that if the boy was left alone to make his decisions, he would most probably choose the same path Tim did. And if he did that, he would become no more than a ghost of what he used to be.

Tim could see all the initial warning signs, he could judge accurately the conflict Reece was going through. And though the circumstances for them had been very different, he could see that if not stopped right then, the result would be the same.

That result was what he didn't want to happen to anyone else because he had experienced it firsthand. And especially not if that person was Reece Parker.

As a consequence, he started looking out for Reece, helping him in any way he could and tried his best to guide him away from the cliff he was going to fall from.

Tim didn't care about himself but he couldn't see him make the same mistakes and end up as hollow as he had become.

With time, the boy had come to mean a lot to him. He viewed him as a friend and deep down as a chance at redemption.

He felt it his responsibility to make sure that Reece didn't fall to the same demise as he had done so. And as he considered it a responsibility, he was willing to do all it took to ensure that.

By evening, he wrapped up all his work, took his bike keys and drove off to the Parkers' house at Robinson Avenue.

He rang the doorbell and stepped back, shortly after the housekeeper Mrs Colton let him in. Upon asking, he was told Reece was in his room so he went up the staircase and stopped at the now familiar door.

Two gentle knocks and before the third, Reece had opened up.

His room was no longer messy and disheveled as Tim had last seen, but he didn't look much different from their last meetup. His brown eyes were hollow, his features set in a haunted look and though he had smiled upon seeing him, the gesture did not light up his face as it used to earlier.

"Everything okay?" Tim stepped in after him, watching him as he picked up the scattered papers from his bed, making room for him to sit.

"Yeah, just wanted to talk to you."

"Sure," he gave him a reassuring look as he sat down.

Reece had stuffed the papers in his drawer, turning to face him but hadn't taken a seat yet. "Why do you care so much for me?"

The sudden question caught him off guard but he had the answer ready, "because you're my friend and you've helped me out too."

"Is this the only reason?"


"I don't believe you," his voice was low, "I used to think the same but I'm not so sure anymore."

Blue eyes shifted slightly in unease, "but what happened?"

"That's what I should be asking you. What happened, Tim? What made you into this... This person who doesn't give a fuck about himself but sacrifices everything for others?"

Tim realized that Reece must have picked up on the actual reason he helped him out. "Who told you that?"

"Malia did and at first I didn't believe her. But you know when I thought about it, she's not wrong at all."

He took in a deep breath, assessing a way out of that conversation. He couldn't tell Reece the truth and he didn't want to lie to him either. The boy had begun to trust him and he couldn't compromise that trust.

But he was saved the trouble as there was a slight tap at the door which interrupted them. Reece turned to look at the entrant and the door opened, revealing Mrs Colton. 

"Reece, Mister Parker is calling you," the woman stated then left.

Tim watched the wave of exhaustion sweep over Reece as if he was really tired of putting up with his father, "I'll just be back." 

Reece stepped out and closed the door to his room leaving Tim inside, making it clear that he didn't want him to follow.

But Tim Drake was known for being stubborn and highly protective when it came to his friends. So instead of staying inside like Reece had wanted him to, he waited for a few minutes then pushed open the door, following the voices down to the living room.


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