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"I met Tim," Reece spoke up all of a sudden and noticed Steph stiffen immediately, "he's not doing good at all."

She looked up at him at last, green eyes blazing, "and why are you telling me?"

"Because you used to be his friend."

"Girlfriend," she corrected him, "I used to love that idiot."

"And you don't love him anymore?" He asked, eyebrow raised skeptically.

"Reece, do we really have to talk about this?" Malia tried to intervene but he shook his head.

"Yes we do, it's important," turning to Steph he resumed, "answer me, do you not love him anymore?"

"I can't simply erase him out of my life!"

"Exactly," he emphasized on the word, "that's exactly what I want you to accept. You can't erase him from your life and you can't erase the fact that you two have been friends since childhood, way before you met me and Malia even."

"He fucked it up himself," she replied stubbornly, "and it's hard to be friends with someone you used to love. That constant pinching feeling is always gonna be there. That there was a time we were happy together and even thought of a future. And now? It has ended."

Reece's eyes flickered towards Malia slightly but she didn't meet his gaze. He took in a deep breath, "Steph, things work out eventually if you put enough effort. I am not asking you to go back to him, I am just asking you to not ruin your friendship with him."

"Tell me one time two exes have ever been on friendly terms. Name one successful case and if you do, then I'll consider your advice."

He was about to speak up but Malia interrupted, "it's not impossible. Difficult, yes, but not impossible."

"Examples? None."

But Reece did have one example, "Bruce and Selina."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, "okay, how do you know?"

"Well, I remember things you tell me," he shrugged, "they had history, they're still fine. If I remember correctly, they almost got married, didn't they? Yet look at them now."

She sighed wearily, "that's not the same thing..."

"I don't see any difference. They were friends, they dated, it didn't work out but they're still friends. Also you just asked me to name one successful case and I did. Now you keep up your end of the bargain."

She didn't reply just then, holding her head in her hands. Malia sat down beside her, gently gathering her in a comforting embrace. Though her eyes locked with Reece as if silently rebuking him for bringing that topic up.

Deep down, Steph knew he was right;  no matter how hard she tried she could not entirely shut Tim out of her life. They lived in the same place, they worked together as vigilantes and there was no possible way for her to keep on pretending that he didn't exist.

And even after all that had happened, she still cared for him because they had been friends since childhood. She knew he was gradually fading away and she wanted to stop it, to bring him back to how he used to be, but that could not be possible with the current rift in between them.

"Steph, think about it," Reece added, "some people are important no matter what history we've had with them. Some people can't be pushed away and it's better if you accept that."

His eyes had locked with Malia's again but she retrieved her gaze, the sadness on her features deepening. Each thing Reece had said was not just some deep advice he had picked up from some novel or movie, his words had experience underlying them.

"Fine, I will go talk to him," she spoke up in a resigned tone, not finding any other excuse.

"I don't know why but it seems as if Tim carries the weight of the world on his shoulders," Reece mused, a thoughtful look flickering on his face, "and losing you as a friend too must have added to that burden."

She sighed wearily, "I know... But it's going to be very difficult for me, you both know that."

"Yeah and that's why we both are here for you," Malia added encouragingly, "you're doing the right thing, Steph. Trust me, you and Tim both will feel much better if you sort things out."

Her green eyes were still slightly uncertain but she nodded, "I hope so..."


Tim had busied himself even more and spent most of his time in the Batcave or the training hall. Even then, he was working on the Batcomputer, trying to focus on the screen in front of him. And though he was silent apparently, his mind was a hurricane of noise. 


He was startled and almost jumped out of his seat hearing Steph's voice. It had been days since the two had even seen each other as both were avoiding but right then, her hand was resting on his shoulder, taking him by alarm.

For a second, he thought he was hallucinating so he grabbed the coffee cup and downed it in one gulp, but that did not change the fact that Stephanie was still in front of him and wasn't just a hallucination.

She had pushed over another chair beside him and sat down, green eyes taking in his fatigued features with concern, "what have you done to yourself...?"

"I'm sorry," the words stung but he knew he owed her an apology, probably more than just an apology.

"Look, I didn't come here to tell you that I'll mend our relationship again, I've realized you were right and we're better off apart," she took in a deep breath, "but in the midst of everything we've been through, we really fucked up our friendship. We were best friends now we are total strangers and that's... That doesn't feel right."

Tim left the case he was working on and turned the chair to face her, blue eyes evidently apologetic, "I wanted to say the same to you but I wasn't sure if you would even listen to me or not. And frankly speaking, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't..."

His voice trailed off but she spoke up before he could think of something else to blame himself for.

"Tim, I want to clear it up to you that even though we're not together anymore, I'm still your friend. Nothing can change that," she offered him a reassuring smile, knowing how much he needed it.

And for the first time in that whole week, his tense features relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief. He was worried a lot that he and Steph would never be on friendly terms again and it was affecting him because the two had known each other for so long and couldn't imagine having to live as strangers for the rest of their lives.

She stood up and hugged him and though he had frozen for a second, he gently wrapped his arms around her. 

"Thank you, Steph, this means a lot to me."

"You're welcome, Timbers. Oh and I think you owe that thanks to Reece and Malia rather than to me."

She had let go of him and his blue eyes flickered slightly, "I do?"

"Yeah, if it hadn't been for them, I might never have realized how much we both needed to sort this out among us."


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