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The bike came to a halt at Wayne Manor, the gates parted and he drove further into the parking in the basement. Reece had been extremely silent the entire time, his thoughts flickering towards his father again and again, still unable to ascertain whether he had taken the right decision or not.

Tim got off the bike and removed the helmet, blue irises connecting with Reece's uncertain brown again. He gently patted his shoulder, silently asking him to follow him in.

Reece slung his bag over his shoulder, Tim had taken the guitar case and the two took the elevator that led to the third floor where Tim's room was located.

Tim led him through the corridor and opened the door to his room, stepping aside to let him in first. "You can freshen up or take a shower if you want to. I'll just be back."

"Where are you going?"

"To tell Alfred that you'll be staying here, he'll see to it that a room is prepared for you. Till then you can stay in my room."

Reece watched him leave and placed his bag and guitar case down. He felt terribly exhausted, as if taking the decision to leave his father had been too much for him.

Never in his life had he thought he would end up leaving Dave because even after all the bitterness the two had in between, he was still the only person he knew as his family.

Tim came back shortly after and seeing Reece standing there even then, he spoke up, "Reece, everything's going to be okay. Relax."

Though he saw Steph step in behind Tim as well and she was quick to approach him, her arms wrapping around him in a reassuring hug.

It seemed as if Tim had told her why he was there and what had just happened with his father. He held onto her, all the fatigue replacing by the comfort and hope she offered, in her silent way of telling him that he was with his friends and everything would turn out for the better.

Tim stood by silently as he watched Steph gently reassure Reece, making him sit down on the bed as she talked to him softly.

She had a way of comforting that no matter how delusional the other person would be feeling, she would succeed in lifting off the worries. He had experienced it firsthand since Steph had been the person to talk him out of suicide and she was a big reason he had not given in to his suicidal thoughts.

"I'm so proud of you for taking a decision for your own self," she spoke in a gentle tone, her hands holding his in a firm grip, "even though I am a bit let down that you didn't share your troubles with us first, but still I am glad you took the first step. And I promise things are going to get much better from now on."

Reece was thinking about how lucky he was to have sincere friends like Steph, Tim and Malia yet at the same time he was thinking that there was a lot he had still hidden from Steph about his own self. He didn't want to keep her in the dark anymore but that was not just his decision to make, he had to ask Malia first.

A slight tap at the door shook Tim out of his thoughts and he stepped out to be met with Alfred.

"Master Timothy, your friend's room has been arranged. I will be setting out tea in the living room in the meanwhile."

"Thanks Alfred," he replied, "we're coming in a few minutes."

He stepped back in to see that Reece had gone to the bathroom and Steph was waiting outside, her features evident of concern. Green eyes connected with Tim's blue irises as she asked, "how long has this been going on?"

"I don't know, not my place to tell."

"Tim, I can see you care for him but..."

However, her voice trailed off as the sound to the door opening was heard and soon enough Reece stepped out. The redness from his eyes had lessened and he looked considerably better than earlier.

Steph didn't resume with what she was going to say to Tim but the look in her eyes clearly meant that she would get the answer from him later.

He shook the thought off for the time being and smiled gently at Reece, "you good now?"

"Much better, thanks."

Steph took his hand in hers, "come downstairs, tea is ready for you and you must meet the rest of the family. They've heard a lot about you from me and are very curious to meet you."

Tim stayed behind as she led him downstairs, his eyes flickering towards the guitar case and bag that was still on the floor. He knew which room Alfred must have prepared for Reece so picking up his stuff, he walked down to the corridor to the guest room to drop the things there before heading downstairs to join the rest of his family.


Malia had been feeling unusually strange that day, it was almost as if her instincts were warning her that something was wrong. She had checked her phone multiple times for any call or text but received none and even though she wanted to check up on her friends herself, she couldn't bring herself to call either of them.

It was an unnerving feeling of dread that held her back from doing so.

At last, her phone rang and she saw Reece's contact flashing on the screen so she picked up immediately, "Reece, hi..."

She had not expected him to call her after all she had said to him that day about Tim and his own self. But now that he had called, she wanted to know if he was okay or not.

"Is everything okay? Why are you so silent? Look, if it's because of what I said to you earlier, just... Forget it, I shouldn't have said that, it only made you worried."

"Malia, it's not about that. I... I have to tell you something, ask you in fact."

Her brow furrowed slightly, "sure, go ahead."

"Can't we tell Steph about us?"


"Yeah, about the fact that we've known each other before we met her even and... And how we feel towards one another."

She paused, assessing his words before replying, "but a few days ago you weren't so sure about that. What changed?"

"I can't keep her in the dark," he replied, "she's been such a good friend to me and I feel I am betraying her trust by hiding this from her."

Grey irises flickered slightly as she rested her head back against the bed frame, eyes fluttering shut, "so what if we tell her? We can still not be openly together, your father..."

But much to her surprise, he interrupted her, "he won't do anything, he can't come in between us."

The words were shocking to her as she sat up again, almost as if she hadn't heard him right, "what did you say?"

"Malia, I left him... I left home because it was getting too hard to breath in there. I... I chose freedom."

She didn't reply just then as his words took time to sink in. When she spoke up, her voice was slightly uncertain, "you left?"


"And where are you now?"

"At Steph's place."

She checked the time, there were a few hours left until dinner and if she made it quick she could be back home in time for it. Making up her mind at last, she spoke up, "alright, I'm coming there. We'll tell her together."

"Thank you... Thank you so much."

She could hear the relief in his voice and it sent a wave of calm over her as well, "you don't have to thank me, that's the first rule in friendship, right? No sorry and no thank you."

His laugh greeted her ears after such a long time and a smile flickered on her face as well, "true enough. I will be waiting."

The call disconnected and Malia stood up, gathering her hair in a ponytail and took out her cardigan. Lacing up her shoes, she stepped out of the room and told her mother that she was going to Steph's and would be back before dinner.

She knew it would have been difficult for Reece to deal with taking such a big decision on his own so she wanted to reach him as soon as she could and assure him that he was never going to be alone. She was always going to be with him, no matter what the fates brought up for them.


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