~Part 24~

21 3 13

~Madame Flix's POV~

"So, Lockra, any good news?" Master asks, and Lockra snarls, "You and I both wish I had some. That stupid Star is ruining everything."

"How can she come in the way of you making Meta Knight feel blood thirsty?" I ask, looking straight at the old creature. "She is helping him to resist blood thirst. And it's working! I couldn't believe it when I could smell her blood. It was hard for even me, the leader of the vampires, known for the best resistance to not feed from her..." he confessed.

"Listen, Lockra, unfortunately we aren't vampires, so what does this mean?" I ask, daring to throw an ice blast at the Ninji who is staring with a laugh at me. "It means... this." he hands Master a script, and Master skim reads it, before laughing, "Lockra. Are you absolutely serious?! Nightmare was weak in this so-called feeling of love. I am not. The Star-rod is built on love. They cannot defeat me even with this." 

"Flame. I didn't say love would defeat us, that would be stupid. I'm saying that Star is slowing down everything. I won't be able to get to that infuriating puffball if she keeps letting him drink her blood." Lockra says, clenching his hands tightly.

"That's it. We've got to attack now." Master says, and I feel an alarm ring through my head, "No." I protest, "We have to tomorrow. There's no point in doing it now. Most monsters are asleep already. Their strength level is low. Besides, we have to think of a plan!" I add, making sure they both get what I'm saying.

"I already have a plan in place... but fine. Let us attack tomorrow morning." Master agrees, and Lockra returns to his observatory, to gaze at the stars. I however, have my own plan in place for after Master's defeat. 

Yes, Master will be defeated, but I have a plan in place already... but now I need to get some shut-eye.

Oh, my work is never done~

~Dreamland, Castle DDD~

Galacta could sense a powerful, sinister force coming. She knew everyone else sensed it, so they made sure to have all windows, curtains, doors, etc- shut, locked, drawn, whatever the conditions to prevent something from coming in or out.

King DDD went to bed early, and so had the others. They were going to get up at five o'clock, so that they were prepared. The waddle dees were also asleep, wanting to help their king in any way they could, even if he was a bit short-tempered. :3 (aww.)

A certain knight was worried. He knew that Star was literally their only hope, but wished it wasn't her who had to have all this pressure upon herself. If it was someone else, for instance, the pressure wouldn't be so worrisome, but unfortunately this was how things were. 

"Why aren't you resting, we need to be up early tomorrow." "Same could be said for you." "I have sleep deprivation, you know that." "..." 

"Are you worried about Star?" "What happens if she doesn't make it." "What-" "We've had these types of battles at least four times. This'll be one that'll be hard to forget. She's like a sister to us all. Apart from one of us..." "I know... but Kabu predicted I was going to help her. I am supposed to give her Light or something." "He didn't say one of you is going to go then, did he? Light is literally our life and power source!" 

"No... apparently one of us might. But I'm sure we'll both stay." "I trust you on that then... entirely." "So do I..."


"Star... do you feel something?" "I'm awake! Not asleep!" Star yelped, standing suddenly, but flopped back against the wall. "Apologies! I didn't know you were resting..." "No, it's fine. What's wrong? Is that vampire back? If he is I will send him to oblivion..." Star scowled, trying to sense a life energy.

"No, its more of a... good feeling?" Meta Knight paused, also trying to look for another energy source. "No... it might be Kirby. When he was younger positive energy would be given into the surroundings if someone... felt... distressed...?" Star looked at Meta Knight.

"Are you alright? Your eyes are grey." Star questioned. "The others sent a warpstar..." Meta Knight handed it to her.

'Kabu sent a warning that something big is happening tomorrow. Apparently, I'm going to give Star some... assistance in defeating Flame. We're supposed to use our light sources. Stay energized and safe. I have no idea what is going on tomorrow. -Galacta'

"Light source? Isn't that the life source?" Star asked, and Meta Knight nodded, "Oh..." she was silent. 

Star sat, wondering what to do. If she used her life source she would basically die. And no way in Star Dream's wrath would she let Galacta die. But that meant one of them had to use all of the light source...

"We cannot lose you or Galacta... you are both very significant to this galaxy if you both are the only ones able to defeat Flame." "But if we do so, then Nightmare's small army and his successor will be gone. There wouldn't be that much evil left to stop." Star replied, and Meta Knight mumbled something.

"Sorry, what did you say-?" Star was cut off by some snow falling onto the floor loudly. She checked outside briefly, as the snow was still very heavy. "Nothing. It's fine..." Meta Knight assured her, but felt horrible he was lying.

"Perhaps we should try and sleep. If something does happen tomorrow we want to be able to think clearly." Star murmured, wrapping her cape tight around herself, "Yes." Meta Knight did the same and they almost instantly fell asleep. 

(A/N: Gee they must have been real tired then. Anyway, stay tuned for next chapter and I'll see you then! This one was slightly shorter, but hope you're ready for next chapter!)

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