~Part 22~

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~Galacta's POV~

Clearly Star and Kirby found Meta. Because he was not in any of the areas the rest of us searched.

After I received the warpstar, the king took it and announced it was Snowfall day... which mans it'll be snowing for the literal entire day. Which means chaos. Star always prevents chaos, so that's probably why every day is boring... but she's gone, so it's fine now! ¬v¬

"Let's hope Mr Vampire just doesn't kill them before they are asleep for eternity." Magolor sniggers, and Starla slaps him, "Don't talk like that. Or Landia will knock you out for the next couple weeks instead of me."

"He's right though... wouldn't put it past anyone..." I say, and she gives me a look that says, 'Couldn't say anything, could you?' And the answer to the reaction is, "Nope."

"I'm kidding, they'll be completely fine. Star's sword can literally, and I mean literally, wrap people up in chains, l i t e r a l l y." I emphasis and then they seem to be fine. 

Which is good... Wait? Why is my POV switching to some-


"Oh, that explains it." 

~??? (2) POV~


"Yes, Master." "I have decided we shan't attack until after this Sir Flame has been defeated. I want to be able to attack the poor dreamlanders once they are weak and oblivious to another straight attack."

"M-Master, mightn't I say something?" Stylus quivers, "Hehe, Master it's fine, Stylus isn't feeling that well, we'll just g-" "SILENCE NEEDLE. Stylus, what do you have to say?" 

"I do not want you to feel weak nor offended, and I am not suggesting you are weak either, Master, but shouldn't you let them recover and let them be at their fullest? If you attack whilst they are weak, they will get the impression- along with many other beings- that you are so weak you have to attack them when they are at their weakest point. Of course, that is not what I am thinking, but... it's a thought, correct? Shouldn't you consider this?" Stylus questions, and Needle looks towards me, watching for my reaction.

"You appear correct... we do not wish for others to think we are weak... especially I. I need people to fear me. No one has defeated the dreamlander's heroes... so we should be the first and last ones to do so!" I smirk, and Stylus has a smug expression on, whilst Needle is gaping at the both of us.

"But as I said. After this Flame has been defeated. For now, we shall only start building our strength and power! Then we shall come after them! AHAHAHAHAHA." I cackle and they nod and begin to do their daily stuff. 

Dreamland will think their battles are over, oh... no, they have another one coming.

Watch out, Dreamland...




~Sir Flame's POV~

"THAT'S IT. I CANNOT WAIT LONGER. LOCKRA!" I yell, and Flix jumps at how I am shouting, "Master, calm down for nova's sake. You're turning red!" she says, throwing a slab of ice at my head, and I turn to her, "Fine. What do you suggest we do? Wait another couple decades?!" I ask.

"Of course not! Let us wait one more day for Lockra, and then attack them using our whole... army?" she questions, and waves her hands to dismiss the statement.

 "What I'm saying is, wait for Lockra, if he doesn't have any good news by tomorrow night, then we attack Dreamland the day after tomorrow. How's that? We'll use every monster here." "Hm..." I think. 

If everyone is focused on the monsters... I have an easy chance to get the Forever Sword and resurrect Nightmare! And then he shall be indestructible, Star Rod or no Star Rod... "Yes. We shall do exactly that. With a couple tweaks to the plan, of course?" 

"I'm used to it, Master. Madame Flix comes up with a brilliant plan but her Master must change it so that it is 'better' but in the end does it a 'complex' way which is actually the original plan, yes I know." she rolls her eyes, and I smirk.

 Dreamland is in trouble.

 And a lot of it.

~Lockra's POV~

I'm going to try to give my victim a bit of a push towards being thirsty. Seems innocent if you don't know what I'm talking about, but unfortunately this is way beyond innocent, this is murder. >U<

At least that stupid Star person hasn't realised I'm back yet. That wham on the head took me a good few hours to recover. Now I see why Master fears her. SHE CAN LITERALLY KILL PEOPLE WITH JUST THE TIP OF HER SWORD!

Ahem. Aside from that. My victim is already struggling (internally) against the urge of bloodthirst. Hah. And it's almost dusk. Wow, time really does go quickly. Let's hope this time Star and Kirby can't see daylight. ¬v¬

~Meta Knight's POV~

Lockra is very close... 

'Lol, he's right next to you.' (He didn't hear me, by the way.)

It is extremely hard to resist the pain and thirst, which is constantly... annoying me.

"Poy...o." Kirby yawns, and then looks at me, "Poy. Meta Knight, are you ok? Your eyes are turning red and grey." 

"I am just fine, Kirby." I say, which is partially true. As long as I resist, I will be fine. "Poy. No, you're not. What's wrong?" he waddles up to me. "Oh. Is that vampire guy making you want to eat us?" "Not eat you." I shudder, I would kill myself if I tried to eat someone. 

"Poy, eat us, drink our blood, poya, same thing." he shrugs. "Do you want me to wake up Star?" "No. She shouldn't be disturbed." I refuse, but he still goes over and nudges her.

"STAR POYO WAKE UPPPPPP!" His voice rings ten times louder than the echo...

"Kirby! What's wrong? Please, never wake me up like that again..." Star shakes her head, and Kirby smiles innocently, "Sorry... but the evil person is back!" "He is?" she pokes at her sword, "What do you want, Master..." her sword's voice is slurred, she was probably re-energizing. "Is Lockra back?" 

"No. I do not sense any life form nor beings apart from you three." the sword hovers and probably scans the area.

"Meta Knight, poyo. Your eyes are very red!" Kirby exclaims, and I cover myself in my cape. "Stay back." I warn and then feel the urge for blood increasing every second...


I feel so weak and terrible.

"Poyo, Star are you ok?!" "I'm fine, Kirby. Besides, that question shouldn't be directed to me." Star says, and then Kirby pokes at me, "Are you ok, Meta Knight, poya?" "No. I feel extremely revolted..." 

"Wut???" Kirby asks, and Star laughs, "Kirby, I think you need to do some more reading. And Meta Knight, I'm completely fine, honest." she turns to me, but she is clearly hurt.

"Do not lie to me. You are clearly in pain. I am a danger." I say plainly. "If that were true we would've died by now." she replies. "Stop making yourself feel worse. It hurts us that you keep telling both yourself that you are a danger, we know you aren't and so that's why we are still here." 

"Poy. It does feel horrible that you think you're dangerous." Kirby nods, and I stay silent. 

Star sits and begins drawing on the ground with her sword. She makes a very strange pattern, and then mutters, "Curses..." before covering it up with crosses. "Why did you do that, poy? It looked nice." "Uh... because- because... because... I wanted to?" she sweat drops as Kirby gives her look, 'No. Just no.'

I still feel terrible for not being able to resist that... blood thirst feeling. I feel like... a... monster...

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