Chapter 1

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"Fairytales are what you make them. You can make them come true if you believe"

I was told this by my mother years ago when I was a child. I had been told that fairytales were not real by a girl in class and I went home crying to my mother asking her why people wrote stories if they were not true. This was her answer and for some reason it has never left me. I can't understand why she said it though. Not all little girls grow up to be princesses, have lots of money and a handsome prince who rides in on a white stallion to whisk them off to marry them. It just doesn't happen like that anymore. Definitely not in the middle of London at least. Just like New York for Americans, London was meant to be the place where all of your dreams came true and where people go to fall in love, have a fantastic job and live in massive houses.

Clearly I was not told that you have to work your way to the top to get any sort of happy ending. And as I am someone who is starting out, here I am stuck in an dingy office all day and yet all I have ever wanted to do was to be a writer. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to sit down with my laptop in front of me and just write for hours. About what? I could never say. I could write for a newspaper, I could write books, I could write about politics, current events, serious things that matter in the world.

And what am I doing for a living? I am a writer for the celebrity column called 'The Daily Journal'. Why of all things I will never know. I am not interested in celebrities and what they get up to in their day to day lives, but as it is remotely close to what I want to do and it pays the rent. I sit in the office day after day writing about something that never happened and about some z-listers new crazy diet that involves eating nothing but cardboard and air, and sell a fitness regime on DVD that apparently made them lose 2 stones...ridiculous.

Although I do moan, it does mean that I get invited to some very swanky do's. I am always on the list on the door and I am always known by first name basis by the stars. It is like I have my own celebrity status and I love that I have some recognition in the world. But despite all of this something has been missing from my life.

Thanks to these opportunities, I get a lot of life experience. But the only thing I have never really experienced is love. I mean head-over-heels type love. Don't get me wrong, I have had a lot of male friends who stay over more than once a night getting quite intimate, but I have never had a real boyfriend... or at least I wouldn't call them boyfriends. There has been the heavy smoker, the wine connoisseur, the mummy's boy, the self-conscious, the possessive, the soppy romantic that would make you sick, the one night standers who promise to call for a second date who you know won't and many more but I have never had a decent boyfriend...EVER!

So currently in my early twenties, here I am sitting in a restaurant interviewing another famous face for my news article and I could not help but to judge him. He is the typical rich good looking american playboy. Never earned a penny in his life thanks to his family, is naturally quite good looking and is trying to suck up to me just to get something good in the paper.

"So tell me Mr Salvatore, what is it like knowing that one day all of the empire that your family created could one day be yours?" I ask. Sitting across the dinner table from me is the newest celebrity from the block. Mr. Stefan Salvatore. Like I said he is very good looking but he is arrogant enough to know that he is from the way he presents himself. Sitting across from me wearing a sharp looking grey suit with a white shirt and black tie, he stares back at me as if this was the first time he has ever been asked this question. Everyone already knew his story. His family owns a large successful publishing firm that was transferred to England and little Stefan and his older brother Damon moved over here with their parents when they were young and have been claiming to be working for them over the past few years in hope to know enough to take over the company when their parents pass it on.

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