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I was pretty sure my best friend had no idea that I was in love with him

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I was pretty sure my best friend had no idea that I was in love with him.

My male best friend, not my female counterpart, Constance, who was currently sucking face with said male best friend.

Well, this sucked.

"No, babe, please can we pick the movie? You picked last time and it was terrible."

Isaac Gallagher's large hands wrapped around Constance's blonde hair, pulling her face close to his while they shared a meaningful moment about movies.

Blech. Yuck. Ew.

Why do I wish that was me?

My two best friends got together shortly after I moved to live with my dad while my mom collectively got all of her shit together, but when I moved back it was like BAM! I was magically made a third wheel.

Bippity Boppity Boop and all that shit.

Where was my fairy fucking godmother anyway?  Did the pumpkin carriage rot before she made it to New York?

"What do you think Ivy? Should we let Con pick the movie?"

I could not breathe. Screw these lungs in my chest. This shit hurt.

It wasn't so bad most of the time when we could hang out like we used to, but times like these, when my chest caved in and my heart grew ten sizes simply by the lopsided honey smile Isaac threw my way, I wished that I could go back in time and make any choice for myself—that I could've chosen to stay in Arizona with my mother and the family I'd carved out in my hometown.

I'd missed my moment by four entire years.

Nineteen years old and in my sophomore year of college, and here I was pining after a boy I couldn't have while he was shacked up with someone else, and I was forced to watch him be happy with the one person I physically couldn't be mad at.

I wished that fifteen years old had been an appropriate enough age to recognize your soulmate when you spotted them, because once they were taken, it was like a rough gouging of your eye sockets anytime they even touched someone else.

Especially when that someone else was your best friend, and you had to sit there and suffer through it in silence while on your phone, trying to drown out their obnoxious kissing sounds in the background of the movie you were all supposed to be watching together.

", definitely not. I don't feel like watching a horror movie tonight," I finally answered Isaac's warm blue eyes, and they crinkled a little around the edges when he smiled brightly at me, seemingly in agreement, but there I was overanalyzing that simple act like it was a molecule and I was the scientist holding it underneath a microscope, searching for anything that might mean he liked me as much as I liked him.

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