chapter forty five

Start from the beginning

There was something about the hug that had felt different than any other one. Because while she's had loving ones from her father, sympathetic ones from Jay, affectionate ones from Harry, and compassionate ones from those around her... this was different. This time, it was two people who had fought for so long, for so hard... clinging on to one another as if all hoped had been lost until that very moment.

They stayed embraced in each other's arms for what seemed like eternity, the two slowly rocking back and forth as Marley hushed the woman silently. She slowly raised her hand to the back of her head, running her fingers through her hair as the sobs leaving Harry's mother started to become less and less. Anne was the first one to pull away, but not before hugging her tightly for a moment.

She kept her hands on the outside of Anne's arms once they were at a distance from one another, not even realizing the own tears leaving her eyes until Anne reached up and wiped any trace of them behind. Marley laughed lightly at the actions, running her fingers through her own hair before releasing her hold on the older women across from her.

"You know," Anne said softly, their voices hushed due to the topic. "Robin told me a bit about what you've been through and I'm so sorry for everything that has happened to you, deary. I wish I could take it all away."

Marley shook her head softly, the words just as quiet leaving her lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for, I'm just glad they're finally free."

Anne smiled for the first time since they spoke, the words sitting between the two as they consumed the air around them.

"You're free now too, love."

It was in that moment she had realized that she was finally, after all these years, free from it all. There wouldn't be anymore second - or third - times checking the lock. There wouldn't be anymore late night worries as she tried to fall asleep, wondering if he was going to come back to the house. There wouldn't be anymore sleepless nights afraid that she would wake up to nothing.

She was free... they were finally free.

"You, my darling," Anne whispered, placing her hands onto her cheeks. "Are the strongest, bravest, most beautiful girl the world has ever seen."

The tears that had vanished were now back, the words sounding so genine that Marley couldn't even comprehend them for a moment. She was shocked into reality when Anne's thumb grazed just below her eyes, once again wiping the tears away as she smiled.

Marley took a deep breath for a moment before she said, "For the record, I think you are the strongest person the world will ever see."

They pulled each other in for a final hug, the two laughing lightly with one another as they separated. But it wasn't until this final hug when she finally noticed the striking similarities between the boy and his mother. The way their smiles would effortlessly lighten up any room they walked into. The way their dimples appeared to be identical to the others as their eyes held such a green to them, it was captivating.

But it was then when she remembered a conversation she had held with Harry just a few short nights ago. The two sitting on the hood of his car, looking up at the moon in the night as the two held each other. As if they would simply float away if they let go.

"Did you talk to anyone other than Lou when you were at Woodgate?" She asked, her words soft as they talked about the way he lived inside of those four horrifying walls.

"No," he said dismissively, the words harsh as she felt his body go rigid.

His words shocked her, but she wasn't sure if she could continue to question him. It was clear to her that it was something that was hurtful for him to say, his body telling her all that didn't need to be spoken. But then he had caught her off guard, drawing all of her attention back to him as he spoke slowly.

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