Chapter 13

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(Should I make a separate book for Tanoko and Eunhyuk??) btw I forgot to mention but Tanoko is Japanese (did I already mention that? Idk)

Running toward the door, Hyunsu jammed his finger against the button, hoping it'd open before leaving, but sadly it had already dinged before they could stop it. "Fuck." Erza muttered, lip quivering, watching the numbers go down for the lift. The three turned, looking at the mess of string they had put down to signal any monsters that decided to show up last minute, but now it had only stopped them from going down. Erza walked toward the string with bells and cans attached to it, grabbing it and yanking it out of her way, making the rattling noise louder. "We have no time to move around, we gotta move through it." She told the two behind her who joined in at pulling the strings around as they all ran.


Jaeheon looked around, confused by the ringing of the bell, only to tense when he realized what it was. He stood slowly, his katana in hand, walking out of the shop. He had to help.


Feet pounding against the stairs almost as fast as her heart did her rib cage. Her shaky breathing didn't help calm her nerves either as they ventured down the stairwell and to the first floor. Her mind seemed to be moving a mile per second, nothing seeming to make any sense except for one thought. One worry. One thing that began to eat at her very being. She had left Jaeheon alone and she knew with his injured arm he could still put up a fight but he hadn't enough energy to kill a monster. She didn't realize how rash her decision had been. She should have taken him with her or maybe she shouldn't have gone at all.

Letting out a growl, a monster grabbed at Sangwook, pulling him back into another hallway. "Pyeon!" Erza shouted his name, spinning around and reaching out to help him but he had pushed her away. "You two go ahead!" He said, shoving the monster behind a door and shutting it half way before the monster began reaching out at him. Erza stood still for a moment, unsure if she should leave or not, but nodded and turned, leaving in a rush down to the first floor. If she stayed she would have been able to help Sangwook but she knew he could take out a monster as weak as that one, especially after the first time they were attacked by the monster in the red dress. Hyunsu followed close behind, his grip tightening around the handle of his electric spear, making sure it wouldnt fall out of his hands.

Only, he didn't realize that he wouldn't have a hand to lessen the pain of his fall after tripping over a pile of bags. Erza held out her hand for him, but instead of getting up and running, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and jumped all the way down to the first floor. The wind blew Erza's short hair back, showing a view of her dirtied face. She had her eyes closed tightly making her face scrunch up. When Hyunsu landed, a crack was heard before he fell, dropping Erza in the process. He grunted, pushing himself up but unable to stand as he stared at the woman. "Go, I'll be fine." He huffed out, seeing as Erza stared at him-- although dazed-- with worry, pain wretched over his face. Erza crawled over to the boy, but he pushed her away. "Go!" He said louder this time, making her bite her lip in concern before getting up and swinging open the door, after pushing away the cabinets.

She rushed inside with sweat dripping down her face, eyes wide in terror when she heard an ear splitting scream come from the main room. Without a second thought, the woman unsheathed her katana and ran to the room. Though when she got to the room, her movements came to an abrupt stop. Her grip on her sword loosened, just as her eyes filled with tears. She glanced down, noticing the hand lying on the floor. The hand she'd held when she would have nightmares. The hand that had wiped away her tears when she found out about her parents deaths and wrong doings. The hand that never failed to comfort her. It was her fault. This was all her fault.

Scarred Love///Pyeon sangwook (sweet home netflix)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon