Chapter 3

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"Stick together

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"Stick together."

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Erza dropped her hand from his shoulder with a sigh. "We can't give up. There has to be more people in the apartment." She said, earning a nod from him. The people down here can't be the only ones left. Wait. What if we were the last survivors in Korea? No. She couldn't think like that. Jaeheon was somewhere in the building waiting for her, or maybe he's waiting for her in a different building.

All she knew was that he was waiting for her. No way could her brother, a Geom Do, die from these puny monsters. Erza shook her head trying to ignore the thoughts. "It's not safe to be walking around the shutters. The blockade could fall or something like that. We need to have a specific spot to stay in." Eunhyuk says looking at the Heterochromic woman.

She nods and speaks. "The daycare should be good. It's far from the exit but not too far to see if something's happening." With that they called a gathering.



"We'll live together in one place until help arrives." The firefighter lady says.

Everyone was quiet not knowing what to do. Erza sat down on the desk, swinging her feet back in forth, glancing around at everyone. She had no idea how they were going to fit everyone in the tiny daycare but it's the safest place they got at the moment.

"It's much safer together." A guy spoke beside Erza, he was one of the guys who tied up Hottie. "Where are we all gonna go?" He asked, voicing everyone's question. "The daycare center." Eunhyuk says, not taking his eyes off the ground.

Erza turned to the man. "It's safe, because it's far from the entrance. It'll also be better to..." she trailed off not knowing what else to say. "Sleep in there rather than out here." Eunhyuk finished. The man and Byeongil hum and nod. "I won't allow it." The woman who was crying earlier, says. She walked in and glared at Eunhyuk. "No." She said.

Byeongil recoiled his neck and gave a huff. "Who are you to say no?" He sassed. The radiation lady then spoke up. "She's the daycare director." she side-eyed Byeongil. "You scumbags. Pieces of shit!" She looked at everyone around the room. "You ignored me when I begged. You're shameless!" She shouts. "Would you want someone else to hold the blockade back if it were their daughter out there?" A blonde woman asked.

She glared back at the daycare director. The woman sputtered. "Don't act like you're any better than the rest of us. You would do the same if it meant you were protected." She said and glanced at Erza who had her brows furrowed. The daycare lady huffed and stumbled as she took a step.

Erza quickly stood and held the lady up. "Here, sit down." She said. The director gently pulled away from her. "That's why I'm saying I'll go. Let me help." The lady said walking up to Eunhyuk. "I might lose my daughter but you can do whatever you want after I leave." Her voice cracked slightly.

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