Part Seventeen

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In a trance I hand Marco back his phone only for Beau's to ring. He answers and cringes no doubt to the volume of Jordan's voice. You can't make out what he is saying only hearing the yelling. "Yes sir." Beau says hanging up. Beau looks to all of us watching him. "He is leaving with his people. He said all three Mr. Dax's need to be there in two days if they want to be apart of the contract for the project. Marco and I are to stay here with Ms. Dax and ensure the child's saftey until birth," Beau looks very uncomfortable. Everyone looks angry as they turn to me but I know their anger isn't directed at me. They are waiting to see my response to Jordan's rash actions and words. I only shrug and head out the door.

We head to the doctor with everyone now in a somber mood. Even the guards seem put out with Jordan. Riley sits next to me holding my hand. At the doctor the reporters have followed us. My brothers and the guards clear the way while Riley clings to me. Inside the guards check the office before I am escorted in. I ask for privacy and everyone but me waits outside the door. The Doctor comes in and sits down, "Quite the crew out there," she points to the door. I only nod. "So what are you in for today?"

"I had some spotting last night and just want to check everything is ok," I tell her.

She nods looking through the computer at what I am assuming my chart. "Ok, have you had spotting before?"

"Yes about two weeks ago, it was light and gone in a few hours. I know spotting can be normal in the first trimester but my brother found out and insisted I see you." I tell her a little embarrassed to tie up her time over nothing.

She laughs, "Usually it's a overly frantic husband not brother but most men do freak out about blood during pregnancy," I can't stop the flair of pain at the word husband. If Jordan goes back without me his council will have another meeting and vote how to progress with the wedding being called off. There is a chance his wedding announcement with Samara will be released soon. "We will do an ultrasound and blood work to confirm everything is fine and then everyone can rest easy. But being your ten going on eleven weeks I would hope there should be no more spotting. If any does arise I would suggest going to the hospital, while so spotting in the first trimester can be normal the second trimester spotting can be indicative of a problem." She pushes a button and a nurse comes in and draws my blood. After she leaves the doctor has the ultrasound machine set up. "Do you want the results sent to everyone on file still?"

"No just me this time," I tell her. "Oh and everyone out there can come in for this part," I smile at her.

With a smile back the doctor goes and getting everyone. The room is a little cramped. I lay back and lift my shirt as the doctor squirts the cold jelly on me and then moves the wand. The heart is heard first. "The heart beat is good," the doctor says. She moves the wand a little more and you can see the tiny thing moving around a bit here and there. She takes the measurements. And prints out the pictures. Everyone is staring at the screen in awe. Even Marco and Beau's eyes look a little misty. When she is done I am left to clean up and everyone gives me privacy.

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