Part Sixteen

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"I don't want my life this interesting, I want to go back to the Diner and work doubles and spend my free time helping you with your homework and boy troubles." I whine to Riley and she folds me in her arms.

She giggles softly, "Speaking of boy troubles..." She trails off.

"What is it?" I ask looking up needing the distraction from my own woes at this point.

"If we are going to do this we need to do it right!" She demands and I nod. "Ok to my room with you, find a movie. I will get the provisions." I salute her and run to her room to start the movie. "Ok she says coming in, I ordered tow pizza's and there is ice cream in the freezer."

"Ok sit sit sit, what are these boy troubles!" I hop on her bed in eager anticipation.

"Well," she plops down across from me and hesitates but I only nod to her. "I like this guy and I never knew if he liked me and lately he has been acting as though he does but I am friends with him and if we go down that road I don't want to mess up our friendship." She cries overdramatically.

"Well it depends, have you already messed it up? Some things you can't go back on." I tell her knowingly.

"I don't know I haven't actually had sex with him but we have fooled around." She refuses to make eye contact with me.

"Do I know this guy?" I have a feeling I do but want to see if she will admit it.

"Maybe," she huffs. "That doesn't matter its like some times when we are together he ignores me or acts like I'm not there but then he will get home and text me the sweetest things all night long. Or when we meet up and talk for hours and full around. But he never asks for more or wants to tell anyone about us. I don't know if he is just using me or what?"

"If I know him does matter, who is it?" I smirk at her.

"I can't say but I need help!" She cries in frustration.

"Well my advice depends on the type of person he is. If I knew who, I would know if it was just their character or if they were being an ass and keeping you as a side chick." I explain unable to wipe the smirk off my face.

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