21 - Pack

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For the next few days, the team just keeps an eye on the Starling pack and tries to think up a plan to take them down peacefully or at least without putting innocents in danger. Stiles is quickly named as a big part of the plan. It only takes him a few hours to find the perfect spells to trap the pack and weaken them. After that it's only a matter of bringing them in. They have yet to figure out a way to arrest and lock up the wolves that doesn't expose their existance to the world. Lance is of no help in that.

They are about to put everything in place to trap the wolves when Jackson gets a call from London. His father points out multiple times that he did not in fact want to call, but his mother insisted. It turns out she is sick and the doctors only give her a few days. She says that the diagnosis made her think through everything she has done in her life and her only regret is not being there for her son. At first Jackson doesn't want to go. He says it's too little too late. And Stiles gets it. But he remembers what it was like to lose his mom. So he convinces Jackson that he would regret it if he doesn't see her.

With Jackson being half way across the world, the plan to capture the pack is postponed and Stiles has to get along on his own for a few days. Him and Jackson talk on the phone as much as possible, but without the other, Stiles' apartment suddenly feels empty. The shower is too big when he is in there on his own and the bed is too cold wihtout a werewolf to cuddle up to. The couch is too wide even when Thea and Felicity join Stiles. But whenever Stiles talks to Jackson, he keeps quiet about it. Because he knows that the wolf would hop on the next plane if Stiles asked him to.

It's a few days after Jackson left and Stiles is sitting at the counter in the Dragonfly when a familiar voice makes him shiver. 'If it isn't the pathetic little human who thought he could just leave his pack behind. Don't you know that you're nothing without us?' Stiles takes a deep breath and turns around to Scott with his head held high. The wolf is flanked by Derek and Kira. All three have a snarl on their face. 'If it isn't the pack that didn't want to keep the pathetic little human around because apparently he did nothing. Don't you know that you'd be dead if it weren't for me?'

Derek lets out a dry chuckle. 'Sure, keep telling yourself that.' Stiles smirks and shakes his head. 'You know what, Derek? I should have let you drown in that pool. I really don't get what I ever saw in you.' Scott now cocks his head in confusion. 'Oh yeah, that's right. You never even noticed your alpha and your supposed best friend were hooking up. I mean, if you had paid any attention you would have had to smell him inside me. But don't worry, it's nothing new that you only care about yourself. My regards to you, Kira. Give me a call when he finally drops the mask.'

Now Derek pushes himself into Stiles' personal space and wrinkles his nose. 'You stink. No wonder you eat here, your cooking always sucked. But are you really so stupid that you let it burn. I mean, of course you are. But you don't even shower before you go out? You smell like you tried to burn yourself.' Then his eyes light up. 'Did you? The world would be a better place without you anyways.' Stiles can see Lorelai approach from the corner of his eye and knows she wants to push herself between him and Derek. But he simply shakes her head at her and she gets the hint.

'Oh, did you find a replacement mommy? Be careful that you don't kill her like the last one.' This comes from Scott. The boy who used to assure Stiles that it wasn't his fault that his mother died. The boy who would comfort him on the anniversary of her death. Stiles can feel the blue sparks try to push their way out, but he holds them down. Not only are they in public, but he doesn't really want the pack to know about his new powers. Or anything that has to do with his new life. 'Anyways, we expect you back on monday. Go home and pack your bags', Scott announces.

'That's rich', Stiles scoffs. 'You kick me out, come here and tell me I'm worthless and now you expect me to come back? I know you're a little thick, Scott, but not even you can believe that whatever you're trying to do here is going to work.' Derek growls and directs a glare at Stiles that would have made him cower only a few months ago. Now it makes him grin and pet the wolf's head. 'There, there, Sourwolf. If you keep looking at people like that you're going to get wrinkles.' That only makes Derek growl even more and Stiles has to try very hard to hold back his laughter.

'Like I said, you'll be back in Beacon Hills on monday. And until then you will research what I sent you.' Stiles shakes his head in disbelief. 'Now you're trying to predict the future? Let me make this clear for you, Scott. Since apparently you seem to have gotten even more oblivious. I. Am. NOT. Coming. Back. I'm done with you guys. You made it very clear that I am of no use to you and frankly, the fact that you were more than wrong is not my concern. For all I care the next big bad can rip you apart and make puppets out of your skin. Thank you and goodbye.'

And with those words, Stiles leaves the diner, makes his way into the alley and mumbles a spell to mask his scent before he jogs all the way to the Arrow cave and collapses onto the floor next to Thea. He rests his head on her shoulder and sighs. 'And what has got you all pouty?' Stiles sheds a few tears while he relays the entire encounter to her. Especially when he gets to the comment about his mom. Thea wraps her arms around him and then drags Stiles back to the Queen mansion for a movie night with everyone. Stiles is surprised that even Oliver and Diggle join them without complaint.

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