07 - Marcus

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The next morning, Stiles talks to Jackson for a few minutes and makes him promise three times that he is fine. Jax chuckles at how worried he is and gladly reassures him over and over. He also promises to help Stiles with his research at the library when he can. After that Stiles gathers his things and stops by the Dragonfly to get a coffee to go. He only leaves the coffee shop half an hour later, because Rory insisted on filling him in on what she has been up to and wants to hear everything about his current case. But Stiles isn't complaining. After the past few months, or years even, it's great to have a friend who actually wants to talk to you. Between her and Jackson, he hasn't been this happy since he can remember.

The library is old and some of the books are even older. But Stiles loves it. This place is like an escape from the big city. When he stepped through the door, all the noise from outside was swallowed and he felt like he jumped through time. Now he is sitting in the back in front of an old computer, trying to find out on what shelf the books that he needs are. Since he doesn't know exactly what he is looking for, his search comes up empty and he decides to roam the isles and see for himself where everything is.

'Can I help you, young man? You seem lost.' Stiles turns around to the man that was sitting at an old desk when he came in. Wisdom and an almost eerie sense of calm radiate off the librarian. 'To be honest, I'm not quite sure what I am even looking for, Sir.' 'Oh, there is no need for formalities. You can just call me Marcus. I barely get any visitors. And I spend my life in this place. Anyone who comes in here is a friend of mine. What is your name?' Stiles smiles at his kind welcome. 'My name is Mieczysław. But you can call me Mitch, if that is easier.' 'Mieczysław is just fine. I spent a few years in Poland after I graduated back in - that's not important. I am very familiar with the polish tongue. If you descibe your insentive, I'm sure I can point you in the right direction.'

Stiles hesitates for a moment. He can't tell Marcus the truth. So how does he frase his problem in a way that hides what he is? Not that he knows what that is. Suddenly he feels that strange strength bubble up in his chest again and without intention, his gaze is pulled to one shelf in the back that looks more well kept than the rest. 'What are those books about?', he asks and points in the direction. 'Oh, those are my most prized posessions. Have you ever heard of a spark?' Stiles shakes his head, but something about the word sounds right to his ears. 'They are fascinating. I've lived a long time and I still don't know half of all that is out there. You see, every spark is different. Some attract knowledge, some strength. There is no telling how many of them exist. Some may even have no idea they are supernatural.'

Stiles is surprised at how casually Marcus talks about the existance of the supernatural. 'Is it hereditary?' 'Mostly. But I've seen some cases where a child is born into an entirely human family and still has a spark. They are usually receptive to knowledge, like me. I can tell you all about that line.' Stiles already kind of expected that the man is a spark. 'Are they born with their powers or do they have to be activated in some way?' Marcus thinks for a moment. 'I came into my powers when I was around four. My parents realized I was different. Smarter than the other kids. But they didn't know about the supernatural, so they didn't think much of it. I only realized what I was at seventeen. I'll have to tell you that story some day.'

He stares off into nowhere for a moment before he comes back to the present. 'But we were talking about coming into powers. From what I've read, it happens between the ages of five and ten. You could say I was an early bird. Any earlier is uncommon and later is, as far as I know, unheard of.' Stiles is a little disappointed. For a moment he thought that maybe he found the origin of his changes. Something pulls him to check out the books on sparks anyways. Maybe he can find something.

Two hours later he is surrounded by stacks of literature and his notebook is halfway filled with eradical notes. Stiles has to admit, it feels good to get back into research. Now there is no pressure, he can take his time and he is doing this only for himself. And then there is Jackson who actually wants to help him. Speaking of which, Stiles' phone starts ringing and the werewolf's name flashes across the screen. 'Hey, Jax. How are you?' 'I'm good, Sti. How about you?' Stiles can't hold back his smile at hearing the other's voice. 'I'm great. I'm at the library right now. The owner got me a lead, but I don't know if it really has anything to do with me. He's supernatural though.' 'That sounds great. I'll be there in half an hour or so. And I'm bringing coffee.' 'You're awesome. I'll see you then.'

By the time Jackson arrives, Stiles is hunched over a book documenting all spark bloodlines known in literature. He only notices his friend when a cup of coffee enters his eyeline. Stiles breathes in the heavenly smell and lets out a dreamy sigh. 'You, my dear friend, are an angel sent from up above. I mean it. If I ever don't appreciate you, remind me of how much I love you.' Jackson looks flustered for a moment, but catches himself quickly. 'I'm an angel only for you, Sti. Because I love you too. Now, what have you got there?' Stiles hides his blush by sticking his nose back in the book and fills Jackson in on what Marcus told him and everything he read himself.

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