18 - Mischief

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'You need a name', Thea exclaims when Stiles lets her in for another girls night. 'I have a name', he states. 'No, I mean a code name. We all have one.' She squints her eyebrows in thought. Then her face lights up. 'Roy sometimes calls you sparky. It's perfect.' Stiles shakes his head with determination. 'I refuse to be a vigilante called sparky.' She huffs. 'It's not supposed to be your choice. Nobody picks their own nick name.' Stiles smiles at her and walks into the kitchen. He made his first public appearance alongside Team Arrow two weeks ago and since then every paper has come up with their own story of where he came from. They haven't caught on to his powers yet, but the team figures it's only a matter of time.

Stiles feels good. Everyone treats him like a real part of the group, a partner even. It goes beyond his new found powers too. They accept him for who he is and with every day that passes he opens up more. Now they all know the full extent of his troubles with the old pack and they all promised to never let that happen. Stiles isn't as close with Oliver as Jackson is, but he gets along with the girls as if they've known each other for years. They giggle about boys and cuddle up in front of a movie. Thanks to Thea and Felicity, Stiles starts enjoying romantic comedies and they are slowly infected by his love for Science Fiction. Every time the girls are over, Jackson whines a little at not having Stiles to himself, but it's all in good fun. Sometimes he joins them on the couch, others he hangs out with Oliver for a while.

'I brought snacks', Felicity announces when she strolls into the kitchen, joining Stiles and Thea. 'And I brought wine', Thea adds. 'What a rebel', Stiles jokes. The all chuckle and set up the coffee table with everything they could possibly need during their Ryan Reynolds marathon. When they look at their completed work in content, Jackson walks into the apartment and flops down onto the couch. 'Hey, Jax. You wanna join us?' Jackson shrugs and pulls Stiles onto his lap. 'I need cuddles', the werewolf grumbles. Stiles chuckles and sinks into his big puppy. The girls giggle fondly and sit down on either side of the two men. They cuddle their heads onto Stiles and Jackson and everybody gets settled in for a long movie night.

Stiles' week days are filled with work and training with Oliver, his weekends are dominated by refining the control of his spark and tracking down the vessel, Penelope Stelts. He's making some progress and found a few medical documents under the name Penelope Harper, like the last Patron, Anthony. Apparently the woman got seriously ill and was placed into an assisted living facility. That's where her trail goes cold four years ago. There is no death certificate, so Stiles figures she probably transferred under a new name. After not finding anything for a week, Stiles decided to ask Marcus for help, who managed to find a locating spell that should work. Now Stiles only has to work up the courage to actually go through with it.

He distracts himself by spending more time with the team and getting to know them better. One night they are exchanging  childhood stories. 'When did you come up with "Stiles"?', Jackson asks. 'Honestly, I don't know exactly. All I really remember is that I could not for the life of me pronounce my real name. The closest I got was "Mischief". My mom loved that name so much that she used it even after I decided on Stiles.' Thea gasps loudly and grabs onto Stiles' arm. 'That's it. That's your code name. It fits you perfectly, Mischief.' The spark in her eyes dims when she notices Stiles' expression at the mention of his mother. 'Only if it's okay with you of course. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take that name away from her.' Stiles smiles at her gently. 'It's fine, Thea. I actually think it's a good idea. She would be happy if that name stands for what we do.'

And just like that it's settled. Felicity uses her spectacular skill set to spread the name around in no time and then turns to Stiles with a mischivous grin. 'Now that we've got that done, this is the perfect opportunity to show you something. To give you something, actually. I'm sorry it took me so long to finish, but I wanted it to be perfect.' She leads Stiles to a new display that is covered by a dark cloth. Stiles looks at her in question and Felicity pulls down the fabric with a big gesture. The spark's eyes go wide. In front of him is a beautiful leather suit, much like the ones of the rest of team. Stiles' is colored in a dark blue with black accents. 'I had a friend of mine help me. He works with the Flash in Central City.'

Stiles is speechless and hugs the blonde tightly. 'Thank you so much, Felicity. This is amazing. I love it.' She chuckles and hugs him back. 'You should try it on', she urges him. Stiles does as he is told and walks out to a room full of proud faces. 'Now you're officially one of us', Diggle quips. 'You have a code name and a suit, you're not getting out of this anymore.' They all chuckle and Jackson pulls Stiles close. 'I hope you realize that you look insanely hot in full body leather. Because I will not be able keep away from you when we get home.' Stiles smiles at Jackson calling his apartment home. In a way he sees it as their apartment now. 'You're one to talk. I've been watching you run around in red leather for weeks now. You don't want to know what I did the night I figured out it was you. Arsenal was hot before, but knowing the face you hide under that mask...', he drawls out and lightly bites down on Jackson's earlobe. The wolf groans and grabs Stiles' hand. 'We are getting out of here right now.'

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