"Nothing, I'm fine. I think I'm getting tired as well actually."

"If you don't want to talk about it tonight, then that's fine. I will get it out of you later. Can't have something bothering you." He got up and handed you a couple pillows and blankets. He already knew you'd probably want to sleep in here than Tom's room. "Goodnight."


As Harry walked upstairs, he turned off all the lights leaving you alone on the couch. You fixed a comfortable position and made a cocoon out of your blankets. You were staring up in darkness at the ceiling. Rain was still coming down hard outside soothing you to sleep. You closed your eyes and watched dreams that you wouldn't remember in the morning.

"Is that (y/n)?" A boys voice asked sounding like Sam. The question was followed by a shush.

"Whisper, she's sleeping." That sounded like Harry.

"When did she get here?" Paddy.

"I don't know. She texted me if she could come over last night before I went to sleep. She was crying earlier, but she wouldn't tell me why."

"Morning boys." Dom had entered the room not noticing you were on the couch.

"Dad!" All three boys cried. You cracked an eye open to see them pointing at you.

"(Y/n)?" Dom's voice was full of confusion.

You saw Nikki come up and smack his arm with a newspaper. "Stop being so loud. You're going to wake the poor girl up."

A small smile pulled on your lips. Didn't matter that they woke you up, it felt surreal that you were even back here in a house that easily got chaotic.

"Hi Dom." Your groggy voice didn't sound very attractive. You pulled the covers down so you could wiggle your way to a sitting position.

Paddy wasted no time in tackling you. "I can't believe you're here. Never thought you would come back."

"I had to come see my favorite people." Your words brought a smile to his face.

When Paddy moved, Sam hugged you. "It's good to see you (y/n/n)."

"You too."

Dom clapped his hands together grabbing everyone's attention. "Breakfast?"

Everyone agreed and migrated to the dining table. The room quickly filled up with chatter asking to past food around. Soon laugher entered the mix making the volume increase even more.

After breakfast, you went out to your car to grab you suitcase. You didn't want to leave it in the living room so Harry offered to put it in his room. As you walked up the stairs, your eyes moved to the door you knew belonged to Tom. You quickly looked down at the floor and went straight to Harry's room.

"Get changed into something warm." Harry was pulling out a sweatshirt and sweatpants for himself.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"Paddy wanted to go out to the field. Just put on some sweatpants."

"I don't have any."

Harry turned around with a quizzical look. "Why?"

"Didn't pack any."

He threw the pants he had for himself at you and grabbed another pair. "Do you at least have a sweatshirt or a jacket?"

"Yes I have a jacket."

You walked out to the bathroom to change out of your pajamas. You looked down at the sweats you had pulled up on you and studied them. The only time you got to wear stuff like this anymore was when you were home back in your apartment. Even staying with Fred, he hated it. You smiled feeling a little defiant and more like yourself again.

Say You'll Stay | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now