Over the next few weeks, it was clear that Ryu and Jisung were trying their best to focus on their work instead of the death threat even with the police investigation. Neither would discuss the situation, nor the situation between Ryu and BTS. So, when her birthday came around, Taemin threw her birthday party. It was a big party at a club. Her family was there, but unlike at the house party, you could see the strain between her, Kookie, and Suga.

Still, even Ryu's birthday party was a blast and even she had fun as long as she wasn't around Kookie or Suga for too long. Taemin had gone overboard to make sure that with how tense things were in Ryu's day to day life, her birthday was as memorable as he could make it. He even convinced Kris, Luhan, Lay, and Tao to fly in for it to make it even more unforgettable. When Ryu saw them she cried, but they were tears of happiness as she ran away from Jisung and into their arms.

"What's on your mind?" Yeol asked me as I watched Ryu with Kris, Luhan, Lay, and Tao.

"Kris, Luhan, and Tao swore they'd never step foot back in Seoul. And here they are," I replied to him. "What is it about Kim Ryung-gi that immediately made us all just want to be there for her no matter what, Hyung?"

"The fact that as hard as things were for us being trainees to actually make our debuts, Sehun, this girl is the sole survivor of a crash that the doctors weren't even sure she would live the first 24 hours. Here she is, 8 years later, alive, thriving, living her life to the fullest, not letting anything, even her heart, hold her back. She is a warrior to still be alive and we all know it," he started. "Even with everything she's been through, even though she's Jin-hyung's, and could use that to get anything she wanted, she doesn't. She cares more about other people. This girl, who grew up in front of us, with a borrowed heart, cares deeper about other people than some people who have had their hearts their entire lives. She would do anything for those she cares about. That is why we all have that urge to be here for her, Sehunnie."

I knew what he said was true. It always had been, even without her realizing she was doing it. 

Jin's POV:

The day after Ryu's birthday party, Jisung's parents and I went over to their place to have lunch with them to celebrate with her. After all, it wasn't every day that your daughter becomes an adult. And while the party Taemin had thrown for Ryu was great, I still wanted to spend a little time with her with a smaller crowd. 

After we were all settled, Jisung's parents and I spoke as Jisung and Ryu finished preparing lunch. I had offered to come over and cook, but Ryu refused the offer, insisting that she and Jisung would take care of it. It was the first time I had a chance to sit down with Jisung's parents. The only other time I'd actually met them in person was the morning Jisung and Kookie had gotten the threat against Ryu.

"So," Mrs. Park started. "You must be overwhelmed with Ryu-ah becoming of-age and the engagement."

I almost choked. I hadn't heard about that. 

"The what?" I asked her.

"Ryung-gi and Jisung's engagement. Didn't you know?" Mr. Park asked.

"Ryu-ah and I haven't had much time to see or speak to each other recently. We've both been busy with work, the two of them moved in here, I'm sure it was just an oversight," I started. "We typically talk about these things but our schedules have been chaotic."

"Jisung! Ryung-gi!" Mr. Park called the two, making them come to the living room. 

"Yes, Appa?" Jisung replied.

"Why didn't Mr. Kim know about your engagement?" Mr. Park demanded and Ryu-ah paled, making me realize she'd forgotten in the chaos.

"Mianhae, Appa," Ryu-ah said to me. "With everything that happened recently, it must've slipped my mind the two or three times we've spoken in private since we got engaged. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for you to find out like this."

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