Chapter 8

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(Y/n) coughed up any water she accidentally inhaled, looking around to see fish flopping on deck and the water still emptying itself from the ship. Looking around, she saw the sun coming up from the sea.

"Blessed sweet westerlies. We're back!" Gibbs exclaimed happily.

Jack helped (Y/n) up as they looked at the rising sun. "It's the sunrise." Elizabeth stated, looking at the oranges and yellows that were coming up from the sky.

Barbossa suddenly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Jack and Gibbs, while Elizabeth and Will aimed theirs at Jack and Barbossa, (Y/n) pulled out her own and aimed them at Elizabeth and Barbossa, while Gibbs pointed his at Barbossa and Will. Jack pointed his at Elizabeth and Will.

Even Jack the monkey aimed his at Zazu.

"We need our pistols! Get untied, hurry!" (Y/n) heard Pintel say to Ragetti from the mast where they were still tied.

Barbossa then began to crack a smile and laugh, the others joining in, their guns lowering slightly, motioning to each other 'I didn't mean it' and 'sorry' as their pistols were down.

"Alright then!" Barbossa snapped, causing everyone to put their guns back up immediately. "The Brethren Court is a-gatherin' at Shipwreck Cove. And, Jack, you and I are a-goin'. There'll be no arguing that point."

"I is arguing the point." Jack stated, making Barbossa frown. "If there's pirates a-gatherin', I'm pointing my ship the other way."

Elizabeth pointed both her pistols at Jack, making him retaliate. "The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate."

"Fight or not, you're not running, Jack." Will said, and pointed both at Jack, making Jack return to his original position.

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one, till there be none left but you." Barbossa pointed out.

"Quite like the sound of that. Captain Jack Sparrow, the last pirate." Jack tried out the name, making (Y/n) roll her eyes.

"Aye." Barbossa stepped right in front of Jack, still pointing one pistol at him and crossing his arm over his body to keep the other one on Gibbs. "And you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into your plan? Best not forget, Miss Rogers is a pirate now, and she'll be hunted down as well."

"Don't use me as a bartering chip, Barbossa." (Y/n) snarled, pointing both guns at Barbossa, making him turn the one he had on Gibbs to her.

"Yes, listen to the girl. And I'm still working on that plan. But I will not be goin' back to the Locker, mate. Count on that." With that, Jack fired his pistol, only for it to pathetically click. Everyone soon tried to fire their guns, only for the same result. No death, just clicks.

"Wet powder!" Gibbs stated.

Jack kept a neutral face as Barbossa looked at him, until the older man looked away, and Jack shook his head in annoyance and his face turned to one of malcontent.

"Wait! We can still use them as clubs!" Pintel shouted. Ragetti then tried to hit him on his head. "Ow!"

"Sorry. Effective, though." Ragetti said, looking at his pistol.

Will rolled out the charts and pointed to an island on it. "There's a fresh water spring on this island. We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later." He said jokingly.

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with my ship." Jack claimed.

"I'll not be leavin' my ship in your command." Barbossa snapped.

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