Chapter 7

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(Y/n) had moved away from Jack to look out at the dark sea. When she looked down, she gasped in shock. There were hundreds of ghostly figures floating in the water past them. Men, women, and children all with sorrow upon their ghastly faces.

"D'ey should be in d'e care of Davy Jones." (Y/n) heard behind her, and turned to see Tia Dalma standing next to her, looking down at all the souls. She seemed angry and full of sorrow. "D'at was d'e duty him was charged wi't by d'e goddess Calypso. To ferry d'ose who die at sea to d'e other side." Tia looked at (Y/n) as she said this. "And every ten years... him could come ashore... to be wi't she who love him... truly." Tia seemed to be overwhelmed with sadness. "But d'e man has become a monster!"

"Davy Jones wasn't always... like he is now?" (Y/n) asked.

Tia smiled as if remembering something long gone, touching the locket around her neck. "No. Him was a man... once."

"Tia..." (Y/n) said softly, lightly taking hold of the woman's hand. "You were in love with Jones, weren't you? You were the woman he fell in love with."

"D'e man he was before was many t'ings. But never cruel." Tia said shakily. She looked to the (e/c) eyed girl next to her and said, "I told you all d'ose months ago, don't let him go. Now it's more important d'en ever. Him need you."

The girl looked at Tia Dalma questioningly, but nodded her head nonetheless. Tia gave her a light smile and turned to look back out at the sea, only to see boats coming their way now, lanterns lighting up and showing their faces.

Gibbs loaded up a musket in fear, but Will stopped him from doing anything. "They're not a threat to us." Will then looked to Tia. "Am I right?"

"We are not'ing but ghosts to d'em." she answered.

"It's best just let them be." Barbossa said.

There were all different kinds of people. Children, old men and women, soldiers, all of them with the same grim look upon their faces. Just like the ghosts that floated past them in the water. (Y/n) then caught sight of a familiar face in the boats.

No... please no... she thought.

"It's my father. We've made it back!" Elizabeth said excitedly, making (Y/n) move next to her. "Father! Father, here! Look here!"

"Elizabeth. We're not back." Jack told her, making her face drop. She looked to (Y/n), and they both looked to the man who sat in the boats. He was both of their father, even if he wasn't related to (Y/n) by blood. Will moved to speak to Elizabeth, but the girls were too in pain.

"Father!" they shouted. Weatherby Swann glanced around until he looked to the ship next to him, seeing his two daughters walking on the edge. Jack watched (Y/n) tearful face, but couldn't move to comfort her. He knew it would do no good right now.

"Elizabeth, (Y/n)... are you dead?" Swann asked.

"No!" Lizzie answered despairingly.

"I think I am."

"No! No you can't be!" (Y/n) said, tears falling. The crew all watched sadly as the girls spoke.

"There was this chest, you see. It' odd. At the time it seemed so important." Swann continued, making (Y/n) angry as well as sad. Had he died for the bloody chest?

"Come aboard!" Elizabeth shouted.

"And a heart." Swann said, as if he couldn't hear them. "I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take it's place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must have a captain. Silly thing to die for."

Hoist The Colors: Captain Jack SparrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora