Chapter 10

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(Y/n) had been tied up and gagged, for Sao Feng had the intention to bring her to this person who had been after her. When asked who it was, Sao Feng stated that his employer did not wish to have his identity revealed to her until he saw her with his own eyes. This peeved (Y/n). What was with all the cloak and dagger?

Elizabeth, however, was newly dressed in fancy and expensive Chinese clothing. (Y/n) believed that it was because Sao Feng thought that it was Elizabeth who was Calypso, and so he gave her all his most divine things on the ship. Elizabeth had begged them not to take (Y/n) to their brig, so they tied her to a pole in the same room as Elizabeth.

Sao Feng soon entered, speaking Chinese, which was not a language they understood. Elizabeth looked to (Y/n) slightly fearfully, but she nodded her head in comfort. Sao Feng clapped his hands twice, and the women dressing Lizzie bowed before leaving.

Feng approached a bowl of water that had a mint leaf in it, and he swirled the leaf in the bowl. "By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove, and you will be free."

"I admit, this wasn't how I expected to be treated." Elizabeth stated.

"No other treatment would be worthy of you... Calypso."

"Excuse me?" Elizabeth asked in confusion.

"Not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have... but it is what we call you." Sao Feng said, dipping his fingers in the water and drying them.

"We being who?" Elizabeth asked, keeping up her goddess act when Sao Feng turned to her.

"You confirm it." he stated, eating the leaf.

"Confirm what? You've told me nothing." Elizabeth backed up as Sao Feng closed in on her. (Y/n) did not like the scene before her, and began attempting to remove the bonds from around her hands.

"The Brethren Court, not I. The First Brethren Court, whose position I would have opposed." Sao Feng said, slamming his hand into the post behind Elizabeth as he began to circle it. "They bound you to human form so the rule of the seas would belong to man and not-"

"To me." Elizabeth finished.

"But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are." Sao Feng continued.

"Pretty speech from a captor. But words whispered through prison bars loose their charm." Elizabeth stated. (Y/n) was so close to breaking her bonds.

"Can I be blamed for my efforts?" Sao Feng asked rhetorically, and crossed to stand in front of Elizabeth. "All men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."

"And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes." Elizabeth said. (Y/n) had to admit, Lizzie was doing well on her goddess-acting.

"I offer simply my desire." Sao Feng said.

"And in return?"

"I would have your gifts, should you choose the give them." Sao Feng offered. (Y/n) finally got her bonds broken, and began sneaking towards a nearby table, where a knife lay.

"And if I should choose not?" Elizabeth questioned as she saw (Y/n) grab the knife.

"Then I will take... your fury!" Sao Feng said, and went to push Elizabeth against the pole, but (Y/n) got in his way and pushed him back, slicing over his cheek, keeping Elizabeth behind her. She was breathing heavily as she watched the pirate wipe the blood oozing from his wound. (Y/n) held the knife up as she watched Sao Feng begin to approach once more, but a cannon ripped through the wall, hitting him and knocking him to the other end of the room.

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