
18 3 0

Dad's just told Allison, Isaac and i about when he was eighteen and he encountered similar creatures maybe even the same creatures. He calls them the Oni. The five of us make a plan to infiltrate of the only other survive of the attack.
"His name is Takashi, We need these answers so don't back out." He stares towards Isaac. With has shades and suit.
Isaac nods in response. Dad and i take that as our cue to leave and we start to head back for the car. I turn back after walking a few feet and see Isaac and Allison kiss. Aww how cute. I sigh and turn back to Dad.
"Hey dad?" I question.
"Who do you thinks the nogitsune?" I ask.
"Well Allaïa to be completely honest with you i literally have no clue." He shrugs with a sigh.


Stiles is at the memorial seeking help from Melissa and wishes to be alone. I'm really worried for him, he's had nightmares where he literally has to scream himself to wake up. He couldn't read. He couldn't even tell if it was reality or just some cruel trick his minds playing.

Scott, Kira, Derek, Ethan & Aidan, Melissa, Dad and i are staking out in the McCall house keeping away from the Oni ready to attack.

We lather up the house, from corner to corner, in mountain ash. Nobody but Argent and Melissa can leave.
Kira tries to step through the doorway. She instantly bounces back with a massive blue flash. Derek turn to the sound and flashes his blue eyes.
"Kitsune." He mutters,
"What?" I say.
"She's a kitsune i can see the aura around her." He says back.
The twins and Isaac flash their eyes in astonishment.

I head towards the doorway to test it out for myself. I too bounce back.
"Well done Allaïa!" Dad sighs sarcastically. "Tell em now."
"Tell us what?" Scott turns to me.
"I'm Telepathic." I shrug.
Everyone except from Dad and i laughs.
"I'm being serious. Think of something Dad and  whisper it into Scott's ear. i'll say it out loud,"
He finishes whispering in Scott's ear and instead of saying it out loud i push my words through Scott's mind.
"Woah what the hell." He shakes his head in disbelief.
"What was it?" Derek asks.
"Glock-19. She told me in my mind." He stares at me.
Everyone shrugs and we continue preparing ourselves.

Distant whispers and chatter are heard. The oni are here. One of them cave the window in. Everyone takes their stance. Agent McCall bursts into the room.
"Who are they?" He says pulling out his gun.
"No Dad don't!" Scott shouts.
The Oni uses his katana and makes a clean slip though McCall's shoulder. Melissa and I run to the body whilst everyone else starts fighting.
"Apply pressure to his wound." Melissa says turning back towards the crowd of fighters.
"Allison." I hear Scott shout through his phone.
After a few seconds he mutters the word, "Nogitsune."
He shoves his phone down his pocket.
"Everyone stop!" He yells.
The Oni gather up and stand in a triangle formation.
"I'm right they are coming for me aren't they?" Kira panicks.
"They're looking for a dark spirit. You are not one of those." Scott reassures her. "Trust me."
He takes her hand and slowly leads her to the front of the teenagers and adults. They stand infront of the Oni, staring deeply into their eyes, the Oni grab their faces. Scott and Kira fall limp to the ground. Derek runs towards them slightly shaking them, Scott and Kira grab ahold of their brands and keep breathing heavily.

(This one was slightly fitted abit more trade sense. Sorry it's short this episode didn't really fit with what my character would be doing. Next chapter will be even better.)


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