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I sprint to my twin sister, hugging her so tight neither of us could breathe.
"I've missed you so much Allison!" I squeal
"I've missed you too!" She screams.

Times have been hard since mom died, so that's when i moved to France with some aunts and uncles. I've missed Beacon Hills so much it's unbelievable, I feel as if i'm not really here right now.

Allison take my hand and leads my into the house, Dad stumbling behind with all of my bags. We leap up the stairs and burst into my bedroom. The walls are painted a dark red colour and the carpet is black,
"Allison it looks amazing!" My eyes wonder across the walls darting at all of my favourite band posters. My bed is a king size and has black comforter and pillows, abit extra for decoration.
"Anything for you!" she grins bringing me into another big hug.
She runs over to the desk and starts scrolling through my laptop looking for songs to play. Dad falls into the room dropping all of my bags and takes in a sharp breath.
"God dammit Allaïa! Who carries around so much stuff!" He mumbles under his panting breaths.
Allison and i starts laughing,"Sorry dad i love you!" I shout as he exits the room slamming the door shut.

I turn back to my sister who has a massive smile on her face. She turn to the laptop and presses play. Why'd you only call me when your high by the Artic Monkeys starts to play. We start to jump around everywhere bobbing our heads to the beat and dancing like complete lunatics, our laughs fill the room bouncing off the walls mixing with the thuds on the floor and the beat of the music.

We both jump onto the bed and i strip from my hoodie and shoes and plop myself right next to my sister. "Woah you've grown a pair!" She giggles.
I whack her "Maybe someone will finally like me!"
"Ooo and a big bum!!" She laughs.
I roll my eyes in response and her phone buzzes. "Who is it?" i ask as her facial expression rises even more.
"Scott, we are going to a party."
I smile and we head towards my bags and start to throwing my dresses around the room.
"This one!" She yells holding up a navy body con dress.
I grab it from her and press it against my body, I run into the bathroom and start to change. I stare at myself in the mirror satisfied with what i look like.
"Can i come in?" Allison asks knocking on the door.
"Yep." I say touching up my highlighter.
"You look good!" She smiles as i eye her floral dress.
"Wait Stiles is going!" i groan
"Yeah? Why?"
"Ugh! I hate him." I grumble.


We get the party and walk towards Stiles and Scott.
"Hello boys." I say.
"H-hello." Stiles stutters looking me up and down.
I roll my eyes and turn to Scott.
"Stiles what are we doing here at another high schools party?" Scott questions
"Hey It's my childhood friends birthday. We used to take baths together come on!" He shouts walking towards the house.
"Stiles! Hey!" a girl squeals planting a kiss on his lips. "Come downstairs and help me pick a bottle of wine!"
"Yeah." he breathes following her hand in hand.

A wash of jealous emotion flows over me for some reason. what? i hate him! i shake my head and head towards the drinks with Allison and Scott.

After about five minutes of this miserable party Stiles comes running towards me. "Where's Scott?" He shudders.
"Go find him!" I shout slightly drunk.
"I'm being serious Heathers gone! I can't find her anywhere." He shakes starting to bite nails.
I grab his hand and drag him outside.
"Ring Lydia now!" i say.

Scott and Allison burst out of the house in perfect time as Lydia pulls into the driveway.
"I need to show you guys something."Allison and Lydia say in unison.
They show their wrists both having the same mark on them, some sort of pattern.

Great just great. we have an alpha pack to deal with, Erica and Boyd being missing and now random patterns.

I pick up from Stiles' mind.
So more secrets like before.
"What the fuck are we doing here? Shouldn't we be out trying to figure where Heather is?" I yell.
"No I'll ring my dad this isn't our job right now, she's probably just with her friends because i took to long." Stiles shrugs getting into the car.
"You too what?" i shake my head.
Shit shit uhm what do i say! Stiles panicked in his mind.
"Took to long to get down the stairs." Stiles stutters slamming the car door.
"Anyways, Hi Allaïa!" Lydia says bringing me into her embrace.


"Allaïa glad to see you back." Coach shouts causing me to jump.
"Yeah yeah coach you too." I say taking my seat.
Stiles slumps down in front of me.
"Who's got a quarter!" Coach yells at the top of his lungs.
"Yep!" Stiles reaches into his pocket grabbing ahold of his coin but something else falls out with it. His face grows blank and i can't help but start to laugh.
Coach grabs the little packet on the floor.
"Congratulations Stilinski." He says patting his shoulder.
"XXL Hey?" I giggle.
"Oh shut up!" Stiles mumbles turning back to face coach.

"Who's coming up for risk and reward!" Coach shouts after his little demonstration.
Stiles bangs on the table and gets up skipping over to coach. Coach gives Stiles the quarter, Stiles positions himself and someone burst into the room.
"Stiles." Sheriff shouts.
"Yep Coach i got it."
"Stiles!" Sheriff shouts once again.
Stiles and Sheriff walk out the room, I take as my time to tune into Stiles' mind.
I don't have a clue why he's asking me about Heather like i said i only saw her earlier and i just thought she ditched me for her friends.
Stiles enters the room one more time.


Derek and Scott leave to go save Boyd and Erica at the abandoned Bank.

"Yeah finish your sentence you said i was annoy-"
"Shut up Stiles your just annoying i haven't even been here 24 hours and your already making me hate you more!" I scream in frustration.
"I hate you more!" He grunts
"Wait what are the walls made of?" Peter interrupts,
"Well i guess wood and brick?" Stiles waves his hands around the room.
"No Stiles where does it say on the blue print!" I shout flipping through the sheets,
"Here!" Peter points towards the Material section.
"Hecatolite. Stiles ring Scott and Derek right now!" I rage.
"not right now Stiles bad timing."
"Scott get out of there!"
"Scott the walls are made of Hecatolite. It spreads the moon light." I shout across the room.
"They aren't going to kill eachother they're going to kill you!" Peter informs.


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