Now what do I say to that?

Fuck this boy for making my insides go to mush.

I very easily lifted my weight on my arms and planted a smacking kiss on his lips, "You, my dear are very whipped."

His good mood was again reflected in the way he made no comment to refute my claim and just smiled, "We should be getting out of bed, though." He said, "I think someone came in a while ago and left."

I nodded, scanning the way the drapes over his bed gave us at least some semblance of privacy and I was again immediately thankful to him for shoving his dorm mates out for the afternoon.

Still huffing I got out of bed, pulling on Draco's trusted hoodie only to have him raise an eyebrow at my selection, "Are you going to empty my entire trunk?"

I shrugged, putting on my jeans, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"I would like that back Rina." He said firmly, now fully dressed too and I stuck my tongue out at him, "Don't you dare make fun of my love of clothes."

I laughed, sliding over to him as he gathered me in his arms, as much as I loved this afternoon and dreaded that it has to end, this is actually something I didn't realise I would miss the most. Bantering with Draco. "I wouldn't dream of it." I said softly, smiling as he hummed appreciatively, on reflex my hand slipped under his tee, moving up his front before they rested around his neck, his skin hot under my touch.

He groaned lowly, but didn't push me away, meshing us closer until his own hands wrapped themselves around my butt pushing our hips together, "We have to leave." He mumbled, but his lips descended on mine and his cologne, the fresh scent of pine and the softness of his lips elicited a loud moan from me.

It didn't help that has tongue was currently laving mine into submission, but I wouldn't have cared even if the entire dorm caught on fire, because I was burning, my skin heated as his nose skimmed my throat, his hand going up the hoodie I was wearing and I was sure we would've just tumbled back to the bed if the door to his dorm hadn't banged against the stone wall.

"Malfoy, Hadley, wake up!" a deep voice boomed around us and I shut my eyes, Draco's hand instantly coming away from mine as he pulled back a little, a cold rush of air immediately clearing the haze Draco's proximity instilled in me.

"I'm going to fucking kill him." He muttered darkly and looked up at the ceiling in despair.

It would've been funny if I wasn't still hot and bothered, but turns out I wasn't given the time to recuperate or realign my thoughts and feelings because Zabini was throwing open the drapes that gave us the modicum of privacy and smiling widely at us.

"While I'm glad you two are dressed and up," he said pleasantly, eyeing the way my arms were still inside Draco's tee, "I'm not sorry for interrupting you."

"Get out before I hex you." Draco threatened, tightening his hold on my waist and looking at Zabini with barely disguised anger.

I sighed, "That's all well and good Zabini but did you talk to Pansy?"

If he wanted to be a thorn in my relationship, I could be in his too. His face instantly soured at my question and I took the time to carefully extract my arms away from my boyfriend. Said boyfriend however imperceptibly shook his head when I moved to leave and I bit my lip. For the thousandth time I thanked all my lucky stars for not being a man but I still wiggled my hips against Draco's, making his eyes widen at my cheekiness but he said nothing. If anything, I'm sure he's currently thinking of a million disgusting things to take his mind off the situation going on down under for him, but I can still have some fun, right?

All My Stars | Draco Malfoy.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن