8. Romance Everywhere.

Start from the beginning

"Large." Martin says with a nod.

"Alright. Large it is then. Thanks." Clara says with a grin. The waiter places his hands at his back.

"One classic angel latté, a dark espresso, our best-seller and a large sampler." The waiter says and we all nod with a smile. "Our baker just made a few petite fours, would you care for some?" He asks and Martin is the first to answer.

"Sounds good to me." He says as he winks at the waiter. The waiter grins and Clara and I exchange suggestive looks at each other.

"Great. By the way, my name is Eric and I will be your waiter for the day." He pauses, and brings out a big smile. "I'll be back with your drinks in 5 minutes." The waiter says before he walks off. Martin looks between me and Clara.

"What?" He asks and Clara rolls her eyes.

"You two might as well ask for each other's numbers." I say and Clara giggles.

"He is hot for a waiter bro." Clara comments and Martin chuckles.

"Not every guy who smiles at me is gay. You guys are so immature." Martin says. Clara and I, exchange looks and then stare at Martin with creepy smiles plastered on our faces.

"Seriously?" Martin asks but we don't say a word- we just continue smiling. 

"Guys... this is getting weird." Martin says.

"I don't know what you're talking about Martin." Clara says and I nod. 

My phone buzzes in my bag and I sigh.

"When Eric comes back, let's get his number." I say just as I looked through my bag and fished out my phone. I smile at the message.

Morning Darcy :) 

Morning Mr. A ;) I message back.

"And who exactly are you getting distracted by?" Clara asks, I smirk at her before looking at my phone again.

Did you have breakfast yet? 

Yup, did you? I text. Clara gets up and moves over to the empty space beside me and she peeks at my phone. I fold it quickly on my lap and give her a suggestive smile.

"Oh come on Darce!" Clara whines.

"...Fine. But don't judge me okay?" I ask and they both raise their hands.

"We solemnly swear not to judge you." Martin says and Clara nods in excitement. I bite my bottom lip and sigh.

"Okay." I mutter, Martin makes his way beside me too and they both look over my shoulder as I lift up the screen- Mr. A had already replied.

I had breakfast- funny thing- my sister just talked to me about watching The Woman in Black 2. We should have another one of those little 'sessions' again. :) 

"Mr. A?" Martin asks.

"Who's Mr. A?" Clara asks as she looks at me and I shrug.

"You could say... he's my anonymous online boyfriend." I say with a smile.

"And what 'sessions' is he talking about?" Martin asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me. Clara laughs and I giggle along.

"Last night, I watched a movei and we were able to talk to each other on the phone about it. He won't let me know who he is so... yeah." I say with a shrug and Martin squints his eyes at me.

"What if he's a dirty old perv?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"I know his cousin and she says that he's just about her age- which is probably about 2 years older than I am, I suppose." 

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