Mitchell's brows furrowed for a second then he nodded, "Okay, I'll be there in a second."

His assistant nodded and went on her way.

Harper turned to Mitchell, "Autumn."

He nodded, "I'll relay the info later."

"Alright, I'll finish this first," she replied and Mitchell exited the office.

"So," Harper clasped her hands together. "Just like Mitchell said, we will be here this week for the internal audit."

The seven of them were all-ears and some were already preparing to take notes.

"I want all of you to not worry and remember that we're not the enemy here. We are preparing for the external audit and we're all on the same team. I want all of you to get along while," she turned to us three, "still keeping impartiality."

We nodded and she turned back to face the Sydney team. "Please cooperate with our auditors, you might already know them from all the emails." A few chuckled. "This is Cassandra Applegate, Dave Watterson, and Lauren Grant. And don't worry, they won't bite." Everyone laughed.

Harper explained the specifics and we were all warmly welcomed by the Sydney team. It was nice to finally put faces to the names we were emailing with back and forth.

During the day, Harper and Mitchell briefly went to see how the other departments were doing then they stayed at his office discussing I-don't-know-what, but I have a feeling it has something to do with the London call.

The three of us worked on the audit despite battling jet lag. So far, there were no material variances and/or deviations found in the books. It's only day 1 out of 5 so, conclusions are far from reality but I'm taking it as a good sign.

Thank God, I wasn't assigned to Taxes, I know nothing about the Australian government and their laws to make any judgment about compliance.

I was in the middle of auditing the supplies account when Harper called us into the conference room.

My insides were uneasy as I followed Cassandra to the conference room. I think this has something to do with the skeptical call but I may also just be getting ahead of myself.

"So, how's everything so far?" Harper said as we got settled in the office.

"So far so good," Cassandra replied.

Harper looked at me and Dave, expecting a reply.

"No problems on my end so far," I said.

"Same with me," Dave crossed his legs and got more comfortable in the chair.

"That's good. Did you all get some good sleep last night?"

Cassandra's eyes met mine.

"Jet lag's killing me." Harper continued.

Dave groaned as he smoothed his hair. "I barely slept. My little girl demanded FaceTime in the middle of the night."

My brows furrowed in surprise, "I didn't know you have kids."

"Yeah. Just one." he smiled. "She's five."

"Oh, wow, who does she look like?"

"Her Mom."

"Oh, well then I bet she's cute."

"Yeah, she is," His teeth showed in his open-mouthed smile then it sunk, "Hey!"

"Okay, enough. I called all of you here because Mitchell wants to tell us something. He'd be here any minute now."

As if on cue, the door swung open. "Hey, guys. Sorry, I'm late. Had to fix a small crisis in recruitment." He took the seat at the end of the table. "Anyway, I asked Harper how long the audit will take and she said it should be done by Wednesday."

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