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Quinella was flying in the air while you, Alice, and Eugeo were ready for the fight.

Quinella: Release Recollection!

The weapons from the pillars transformed and combined together.

Raijin: Discharge!

The light rays shot at Quinella but her servant blocked it. The crystal went inside the servant and it turned into gold as it transformed completely.

Alice: Impossible. Multiple weapons at the same time? Not only that but using a Perfect Weapon Control Art of this magnitude on 30 weapons... It violates the basic rules of the arts.

Quinella: This is the power I've sought. Pure offense that will continue to fight forever. Its name is... let's see... Why don't I call it Sword Golem?

Raijin: Leave this to me.

You walked in front of Alice and Eugeo.

Quinella: Go, Sword Golem! Annihilate your enemy!

Raijin: *exhales* EXCALIBUR!!!

Excalibur glew and the blade extended even longer. You and Sword Golem clashed.

Raijin: Eugeo! The dagger! Use it now!

Sword Golem's blade was at your shoulder and it was slowly cutting you.

Alice: Raijin!

Raijin: Stay back!

Eugeo stabbed the dagger to the ground and a door appeared. The door opened as a ray of lightning shot the Sword Golem to the wall and you dropped to your knees.

Cardinal: You got a real beating.

Raijin: Nothing major.

Cardinal healed your wound and you felt yourself back at full strength.

Alice: Raijin, who is she?

Raijin: Cardinal. She fought Administrator 200 years ago and was banished. She's anoher pontifex. Don't worryx she's on our side. She rescued me and Eugeo and guided us here. She loves this world with all of her heart and mourns for it.

Alice: (smiles) Very well.

Quinella: I'd thought you come. If I tormented those children long enough, I knew you'd emerge from your musty hole eventually.

Cardinal: Since I last saw you, you've grown adept at imitating a human.

Quinella: Oh, my. And what about you, pipsqueak? Why are you speaking to me in that bizarre manner? When you were brought before me 200 years ago, you were trembling and alone. Right, Lyserith?

Cardinal: Don't call me by that name, Quinella! My name is Cardinal. I am the program that only exists to delete you.

Quinella: Yes, that's right. And I am Administrator. The one who controls all programs.

Quinella gripped her hand and the windows all exploded from the certain shock and the sky darkened.

Cardinal: You disconnected the address, didn't you?

Quinella: Two hundred years ago, it was certainly a mistake to let you get away when I was close to killing you, pipsqueak.

Quinella snapped her finger and the entrance to the room exploded.

Quinella: And so, I decided to learn from that mistake. If I could someday lure you out, I'd trap you on this side.

Cardinal: However, there is four of us and only one of you.

The Masked Hero {SAO X Male Reader}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें