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After a couple days. You were able to leave the guild. Asuna got her absence of leave. Kirito and Asuna ended up getting married. You and Koharu lived on Floor 22 since it was a beautiful place to have some peace and quiet.

Koharu was in the kitchen cleaning but she saw the weather outside today and she wanted to go for a walk. So, she went into the room and saw you still taking your nap.

Koharu: Raijin... wake up.

Raijin: Five more minutes...

Koharu: No, let's go do something fun.

Raijin: Okay...

You get up and walked out of the room with Koharu. You and Koharu leave the house to go on a walk.

Koharu: Hey, let me sit on your shoulders.

Raijin: Huh? Why?

Koharu: Because you're tall. I want to see the scenery.

Raijin: Okay.

You bent down as Koharu got on your shoulders. Once she did you stood up and she could see the lake.

Koharu: The secenery is beautiful.

Raijin: Is it?

Koharu: Yep.

You decided to walk into the forest since you heard about a ghost with black hair and a white dress. Koharu did feel a little scared.

Koharu: Uh... babe, what are we doing here?

Raijin: There's a rumor that a woodsman once came into this forest to chop down trees. He lost track of time and on his way back a ghost appeared. He described the ghost with long black hair and a white dress.

You were walking until Koharu heard a twig snap loudly. Koharu looked to her right and she saw the ghost.

Koharu: Let me down!

Raijin: Huh?

Koharu dropped down and she hid behind you. She looked in the direction where she saw the ghost.

Koharu: R-Raijin...

You saw the ghost after Koharu pointed in the direction she wanted you to look.

Raijin: N-No way?! That's real!

You grabbed your head and started saying out buddihism to keep the ghost away from hurting you. Then she suddenly fell.

Raijin: *laughs* Yes! It worked!

You looked to the ghost was still there.

Koharu: Huh?

Raijin: I don't think it's a ghost.

You decided to walk towards it to see a little girl but she didn't have a player marker.

Koharu: Probably a bug?

You grabbed the little girl as you and Koharu walked back on the trail to the house.

Raijin's (thoughts): She's not an NPC. Or a quest giver. But what was she doing out here?

You and Koharu walked back into the house and you set the little girl down on your bed. You covered her with the blanket.

{The Next Day}

Koharu was sleeping with the little girl. She opened her eyes and she saw the little girl awake.

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