Game Cleared

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You opened your eyes to see yourself standing on an invisible platform. But the clouds were going by and you could see the castle in the distance.

Raijin: I really am dead...

You opened your menu to see that there was a loading time. You looked back to the castle to see it falling apart.

???: Quite a view, isn't it?

You looked to your right to see a man in a lab coat.

Raijin: Kayaba Akihiko...

Kayaba: The SAO mainframe, located in the fifth-level basement at Argus HQ, is deleting all data on its storage devices. In 10 minutes or so, everything in this world will vanish.

Raijin: What happened to the people down there?

Kayaba: Don't worry. Just a moment ago, the remaining 6,147 players were logged out.

Raijin: What about the 4,000 people who died?

Kayaba: Their minds will never be the same. The dead vanish from our midst... It's the same in any world.

Raijin: Why... Why did you do this?

Kayaba: Why, you ask? It's been so long I've forgotten myself. I wonder why... When I began developing the full-dive environment system... No, long before that, creating that castle, a world that surpassed all our laws and all our restrictions, was my only desire and what I lived for. And now I've been able to see something that surpassed my own world's laws... How old was I, when I was obsessed with the fantasy of a steel castle that floated in the sky? I wanted to leave the ground to fly that to that castle. For a long, long time, that was my only desire... You know, Raijin, I believe now that in some other world, that castle truly exists.

Raijin: Yeah... I hope you're right.

Kayaba: I forgot to tell you something. Congratulations on clearing the game, Raijin. Now then, I must be going.

Raijin: Wait.

You walked towards Kayaba and you put your hand towards him.

Raijin: Let's have another duel someday in the next life.

Kayaba: (smiles) All right.

Kayaba shakes your hand and he walks away and he disappeared.

Raijin: Rest in peace...

You looked back at the castle.

Raijin: Koharu...

Then everything went white.

{Real Life}

You woke up and you were looking at the ceiling. You sit up and you take off the NerveGear.

You then remembered about Koharu and tears started coming out of your eyes. You slowly get out of the bed and you walked out of the room. You walked down the hallway.

Y/N: Koharu... Where are you...?

You continued walking down the hallway hoping you would find Koharu.

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