Koharu's Party Member

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You were waiting for Koharu and you yawned since you had to wake up early.

Raijin: *yawns* When is she coming...?

???: Raijin, what are you doing here?

You looked to see it was Kirito.

Raijin: Kirito?

???: Watch out!

Suddenly someone came flying out of the teleporter and landed on top of Kirito.

Raijin: That had to hurt.

Kirito squeezed on something but he didn't know what it was.

Kirito: What... is this...?

The person screamed and slapped him off and he went flying towards the pillar. Kirito got up and saw Asuna covering her chest while her face was bright red.

Kirito: I'm sorry! It wasn't on purpose!

All you did was laugh. Asuna dragged you and ran towards Kirito and she hid behind you and Kirito as Kuradeel walked through the teleporter.

Kuradeel: Lady Asuna, it won't do to have you take such liberties. Let's return to guild headquarters.

Asuna: No!

Kirito: Uh, what happened to ditching him?

Asuna: He showed up at my house first thing in the morning.

Raijin: Okay, that's weird.

Kuradeel: I thought this might happen, so for the past month, I've been carrying out my mission of observing you within Selmburg.

Asuna: T-That's not an order from the guild commander, is it?

Kuradeel: My mission is to guard you. Needless to say, that includes your home.

Asuna: No it doesn't, idiot!

Kuradeel: *sighs* Please don't be unreasonable. Now then, let's return to headquarters.

Kuradeel grabbed Asuna's arm but Kirito did the same also. Kuradeel turns and looked at Kirito.

Kirito: Sorry, but she's going to be with me today.

Kuradeel lets go and he gets out of Kirito's grip.

Kirito: I'll hold resonsibility for her safety. It's not like we're going on a boss raid anyways. You can go to headquarters alone.

Kuradeel: Don't mess with me! A low-level player like you couldn't possibly protect her! I am a member of the glorious Knights of the Blood Oath.

Raijin: I bet you're just there for the name. So quit being a big shot, punk.

Kuradeel: If you're going to shoot off your mouth like that, you're prepared to prove it, right?

Kuradeel sends you a duel request.

Raijin: Fine.

You accept the request as Kuradeel draws his sword.

Koharu: Raijin, what are you doing?

Raijin: Oh, you're finally here. I'm just teaching this guy a lesson.

Kuradeel: Watch closely, Lady Asuna. I'll prove there's nobody capable of protecting you besides myself.

Koharu: What's going on?

Asuna: My bodyguard showed up at my house and kept following me.

You drew out Excalibur and you got into your sword stance and so did Kuradeel. You were closely looking at Kuradeel and you noticed a weak spot.

The Masked Hero {SAO X Male Reader}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ