Squad Jam 2

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You and LLENN were walking together but she suddenly got a message from Fuka.

Raijin: What did she say?

LLENN: She said she has a stomach issue after eating ice cream. She needs to hurry up!

Raijin: LLENN, you're kind of scary.

LLENN: *sighs* Let's just go.

LLENN grabs your hand and she drags you with her to the basement of the building where SJ2 was being held. You, LLENN, and Fuka walked in after waiting for her as the crowd cheered for you, LLENN, and Fuka.

Player 1: Holy crap it's Raijin! She's teamed up with the Pink Devil!

LLENN: You're famous, Raijin?

Raijin: Did you forget? I won in BoB remember?

LLENN: Oh, right.

Fuka: Do we have time to get drinks?

Raijin: No, we have two minutes left.

???: Hey, LLENN. Congratulations on your win last time.

LLENN: Thank you!

LLENN and the girl shake hands.

???: This time, things are serious.

LLENN: Pito, I'm going to do my best. You can count on it. Don't forget our promise.

Pitohui: I don't know what you mean... but okay. None of this polite talk. None at all. Is there anything else you want to say?

LLENN: I swear I'll kill you.

Pitohui smiles and she walks away.

LLENN: Let's do this team.

Raijin: Yeah.

Fuka: You can count on us.

You, LLENN, and Fuka were teleported to a dark space to see a countdown.

LLENN: Let's get ready.

LLENN and Fuka took off their cloaks and equipped their weapons while you equipped your dual pistols and Photon Sword.

Fuka: I'm counting on you, Rightony and Leftania.

Raijin: You named your guns?

Fuka: Yep. Pretty creative, huh?

Raijin: Uh, sure...?

Announcement: Second Squad Jam... game start!

You, LLENN, and Fuka spawned in a small town. You looked behind you to see a wall.

Raijin: The field's boundary.

LLENN checks the scanner to which teams were closer and which teams were farther.

LLENN: So, we're here. This hilly area is dangerous. Too many vantage points. It's sniper territory. Avoid at all cost.

Fuka: Below it... is that a baseball stadium?

Raijin: And there's the mountain range.

LLENN: Did you guys remember the terrain?

Raijin: Yeah.

Fuka: How could I remember that?! In ALO, all I did was fly. I never needed a map. What should I do?

LLENN: Don't worry. We can look at the map at any time. Just try not to lose track of where you are.

Raijin: Hey, we should split up and see if this town is safe for us.

LLENN: Good idea. Stay hidden. Don't attack the group unless they're split up.

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