Final Boss

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Kirito and Asuna teleported to Floor 75 where everybody was gathering to clear the boss floor.

Asuna: Is Raijin not here again...?

Kirito: No. I don't see Koharu either.

Kirito saw Klein and Agil.

Klein: Yo.

Agil: Raijin, isn't here, huh?

Kirito: No. He hasn't showed up since.

Klein: Where has he been?

Kirito: Last time I checked he was in Floor 22. But I'm surprised that you're both coming.

Agil: I shut my shop down just to come help. You don't even understand my selfless desire to help?

Kirito: Then we'll remove you from item first.

Agil: I wouldn't take it that far.

Koharu: Hey, you guys.

Asuna: Oh, there you are. Where's Raijin?

Koharu: To be honest I have no clue...

Kirito: What do you mean? You two live together.

Koharu: When I woke up he wasn't in the bed. I don't know where he went. I even tried looking at his location but he's nowhere to be found...

Then everybody looked at the teleporter to see Heathcliff and his men walk past everyone.

Heathcliff: Corridor: open. Now then, let's go.

Koharu, Kirito, Asuna, and the others all walked through the warp gate to appear inside of the dungeon. Koharu, Kirito, Asuna, and Agil were all in a party together.

Heathcliff: Are you all ready? The Knights of the Blood Oath will hold off the boss attack in the vanguard. While we do, I'd like the rest of you to discern its attack patterns, and be flexible with your counterattacks. It will be a difficult battle, but I have faith that we can prevail. For our day of liberation!

Heathcliff opened the door. Somone walked past Kirito after grabbing his shoulder.

???: Don't die.

Kirito: Y-Yeah.

Heathcliff: Attack!

Koharu, Kirito, Asuna, Klein, Agil, and everyone else all ran into the boss room. But it didn't appear as the door closed behind you.

Asuna (thoughts): Right, left, front, behind, under, No...

Asuna looked at the ceiling.

???: Above us!

Klein: The Skull...

Kirito: Reaper?

Heathcliff: Don't stay together! Separate!

Koharu, Kirito, and the others quickly separated from the other players.

Kirito: This way!

The two players ran towards Kirito but they were killed instantly.

Klein: One hit?

Agil: That's insane...

Skull Reaper charged at a player but Heathcliff protected the player from its attack. But the player was killed anyways. Skull Reaper ran around and jumped in the air.

Agil: We can't even get close to it!

A player ran in and parried Skull Reaper's attack. Skull Reaper attacked with its right arm but Kirito blocked it and Asuna came in and she pierced it in the head knocking Skull Reaper back.

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