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You and Eugeo were walking up the stairs together for quite some time now. You were getting a little frustrated since it was one hundred floors.

Raijin: How far are we up now?

Eugeo: The next floor is the twenty-ninth. Another half hour of walking and I think we'll reach the fiftieth floor he mentioned. Are we going to charge straight in?

Raijin: Probably. Based on the battle with Deusolbert, they're probably not used to combination attacks. Basically saying they have no experience at all. But they're all waiting for us fully prepared.

Eugeo: Then should we look for another route, instead of going straight in?

Raijin: I don't know. Cardinal made it clear that these stairs were the only way. And even if we did find a shorcut, we could still get caught in a pincer attack later on. I'd rather take out the knights on the fiftieth floor, even if we have to use the ace up our sleeve.

Eugeo: Right. The Perfect Weapon Control Art.

Raijin: Yeah. Maybe the instant we charge onto the fiftieth floor, we can strike first with the Perfect Weapon Control Art and neutralize as many knights as we can.

Eugeo: Uh, about that... My Perfect Weapon Control Art isn't a direct attack like that Integrity Knight's.

Raijin: Really?

Eugeo: Well, Cardinal wrote the command for me, so... I mean, I was the one who imagined what kind of technique it should be...

Raijin: Let me look at it.

Eugeo: O-Okay.

Eugeo took out the paper and he gave it to you. You then read it and nodded your head.

Raijin: I see. You're right, I wouldn't exactly say it's for offense, but depending on its use, it'll come in handy. And it seems like it'll be compatible with my Perfect Control Weapon Art.

Eugeo: Really? What's your skill like?

Raijin: You'll have to wait and see.

Eugeo: Okay, should we...

Eugeo noticed two girls above them. You looked at them also.

Raijin: Who are you two?

They walked past the railing.

Eugeo: Kids?

Fizel: Um... I'm... no... I am Fizel, an Axiom Church sister-in-training. And this is my fellow sister-in-training.

Linel: I-I'm Linel.

Fizel: Um, are you two the intruders from the Dark Territory we heard about?

Raijin: I'm not good with kids. I'll leave this to you.

You stood behind Eugeo.

Eugeo: U-Um, we're actually from the Human Empire, but as for being intruders, well... you're not wrong.

The two girls crouched down.

Fizel: What the heck? They look like ordinary humans, Nel. There aren't any horns or tails.

Linel: All I said was that was how the books described them. You're the one who jumped to conclusions.

Eugeo: Won't you two get in trouble by talking to us?

Fizel: This morning, all the monks, nuns, and apprentices were ordered to lock themselves in their rooms. So there's no risk of getting caught even if we go take a look at the intruders.

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