Chapter 23 (Abigail)

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The first meeting between our parents hadn't been the best outcome, but when nobody died and a war didn't ensue, I counted it as a win in the right direction. And as requested, we started to travel more between our realms and I was being taught more about the customs I was expected to follow while we made plans for the weddings. The only thing Loki was very adamant about being a joint decision was the cake and I had assumed that was because we both had very distinct ideas for our cakes.

And thanks to both of our mothers wanting to help, I was allowed to bring Pepper and Madeline with me most times to plan. I knew everyone was hoping to combine both our earth wedding and the Asgardian one, but I wasn't quite comfortable with asking Odin if it would be okay to bring a handful of humans here when I was sure I wasn't even supposed to be there. Especially if it wasn't for Loki's and my relationship.

"I still can't believe you'll be living here!" Madeline said, still in absolute wonder as she tasted the lobster that was laid out in front of us. "Why would you ever want to come back to earth?"

I laughed a little while taking a sip of wine. "My family is there. Besides, I will need the chance to remember how to be normal."

"Being here will be normal soon enough, Abby." Frigga said with a grin and nodded for the menu again.

I felt like we had been eating all day and still no where close to an actual menu for the wedding. Everything tasted divine and I wanted it all, though I had to admit the seafood courses were definitely a favorite.

"Oh I'm sure! I'm still really nervous about it though. To be honest, I didn't even think I would have been accepted. Let alone basically get a whole new life!"

"Oh, Abby, with how you have helped to change my son, you're lucky we didn't throw a large banquet for your arrival." She said happily.

Just as some crab was being brought out to us, we heard a voice that sent chills down my spine. It was something of pure evil and I had a bad feeling that the chill was the least of our worries, and immediately my brain started to work out a plan. Frigga and I could fight but Pepper and Madeline were sitting ducks here, not to mention I only brought my suit.

"Everyone listen to me carefully. Hide, I want you all in closets and rooms that cannot be opened easily. Frigga, you have the same magics as Loki right?" She nodded. "Great, I need you to make whatever room they head into look empty. I know, that'll split your concentration, but can you do it?"

"Of course, but what about you? You can't go out there and fight!"

I knew already that going against her could cause my death but doing nothing would give me the same result. "Yes I can. I went to Hel with Loki and fought beside him. I'm not as weak as I appear and we're going to use that to our advantage. I need you here to protect them, please!"

It didn't take long for me to explain my plan and everyone else was hidden pretty securely thanks to Frigga. I called for my suit and it was quickly assembled on me as though it was a second skin. Both Frigga and I looked out to see what was happening below us and the scene was so horrible, I could taste acid from wanting to barf. Everyone was turning on each other so easily it seemed and I couldn't tell what devices were swarming around all of Asgard. But as they turned on each other they were eating one another, and the display was sickening.

"Close everything! Don't let anything come in, I'm going to look for others and hopefully hold off whatever these creatures are."

"Be safe."

"I will be."

I didn't know it then, but those very well could have been my last words as I snuck out of the room we were in and looked around. There was blood splattered everywhere with bodies either decapitated or with literal bite marks in the skin. Flesh was ripped from bone and some were so mutilated I couldn't tell if they were man or woman. This wasn't some kinky fun and I recognized a few of them. They were the guards that were to protect us, especially the queen. I walked slowly, trying not to make a sound as I made it to the banquet hall where my lover and in laws were. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard the fast footsteps of something that had the aura of get the fuck out of my way.

I held out my hand to shoot out a beam of energy and watched as they became dust, and then were brought back just as they were. What the hell are these things? I thought while a battle was ensuing in the banquet hall. I looked between my enemy and the door before I got a gut wrenching feeling that I had to blow my way back to where I had just come from. I left a trail of dust behind me as I ran. It wasn't until I was standing just a few feet from the door that I noticed Loki was beside me and we were both faced with the army of undead.


"No, we don't know what."

"Can we kill them?"

"Not sure. Why aren't you somewhere safe?"

I looked at Loki sideways as another beam of energy left my hand. "I couldn't just stay in there and you know it!" I said as a storm of the undead came charging for us. We took them head on, but no matter how many we killed, they just didn't seem to stay dead as the devices continued to attach themselves to more of the dead. I watched as our efforts seemed to do absolutely nothing. I didn't know what made me think of it, but I knew we would need to find a way to get to Harley and Ivy again. This was not of our world in any sense so the only logical possibility was that it was from theirs and with any luck they would know how to defeat them.

"We need to find a way to get to Ivy and Harley. Something tells me that this is from their world." I said as I went to stand behind him, not liking that his back would be against a wall soon and I was pretty confident that I could get us out of this somehow.

In the midst of the fighting, I heard a door open followed by Madeline's shriek. WIthout a single thought, I sent my suit to her to try to protect her. I grabbed hold of a dagger behind Loki's back and as I threw it, something not quite dead, but deadly in their strike. As the blade left my own hand, I felt something strike my abdomen. I gasped and tried to wrap my arms around myself, but it was too painful. As the sword left my abdomen, it was ripped upwards to cause more damage.


I heard Loki scream as my vision went black and I felt my body hit the floor. I could see my life before my eyes from my regrets to my achievements, but I held onto the image of the first night Loki and I cuddled in my bed until we both fell asleep. I was not going to leave, I couldn't be taken out like this. I feared what would happen if I gave into the darkness that was blanketing me, but until I had no other option, I was going to fight against its embrace.

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