Chapter 21 (Abigail)

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Part of me was angry because of the lie, but I was also happy. I couldn't help but lean up and kiss him. I could feel all eyes on us, but I didn't care. Looking over to Odin, Frigga and Thor, I smiled.

"Sorry, Thor, I guess you aren't as mighty as you thought." I said with a bit of arrogance.

Loki laughed a little alongside their mother while Thor glared. "I'll have you know-"

"That you're totally screwed. Not only do I get to become your sister-in-law but I also get to say something I've been dying to say. I told you so."

"You really do love saying that, don't you, Kitten." Loki said with a wide grin.

"Okay, enough of this, boys! We have much to plan!" Frigga said happily, the same way Pepper responded. They seemed so happy about our upcoming marriage. "We will begin right away. We will notify all staff immediately and will hold an announcement."

Odin looked over at his queen with love in his eyes. Of all that I could have thought about him since the last time we were on Asgard, I could see what he could hold in his heart. I couldn't help but wonder if he ever looked at his sons with even half of that love and pride.

"Now, why don't you two go on so I may speak with our sons?" Odin said to Frigga and she came over to me to lead me out of the throne room. I didn't really want to leave, still having mistrust with Thor and the Allfather, but I knew not to backhand this gift horse. Loki was finally allowed to show everyone who he really was.

I had so many questions swimming in my mind and I had no idea where to start as I followed Frigga to another part of the palace. I noticed it as the sleeping quarters that I had been in before, but I hadn't been this far down the hall. We walked into a sitting room and Frigga sat on a couch and patted the seat next to her.

"You are a wondrous Midgardian, Little Stark," she said finally.

"Please, if it wouldn't offend you, could you use my real name? Abby or Abigail if you could."

"Yes, of course, Abby." She said, sounding like she was trying out my name for the first time. "While I love my sons, I did worry a little about Loki. He never had a great relationship with his father and brother, but in their own ways, they do love each other."

"I'm sure they do, but I am also sure that given the chance, they'd happy fight out their problems."

At that, we both managed a small laugh. "It is the curse of loving them. Asgardian men are not for the weak of heart." She gave a friendly smile. "There will be a magnificent feast for the two of you, all of Asgard will be joyous to see the one that has helped Loki grow."

"I didn't do anything other than love Dad—Loki." I had no idea how things were here, especially if I called Loki 'Daddy', especially in front of his mother.

"Oh, dear, it is okay. Just be sure to use his name when not in private quarters." She said with a small smile. "And before we get busy planning, I have something for you. Heimdall did let us know and it is customary to give the bride a gift upon her engagement." She held my left hand and conjured up a ring with a gold band and an emerald stone in the middle.

"It's beautiful." I gasped.

"Yes, and like you, it is one of a kind. While others receive the family's ring, I don't want you to have something that doesn't show just how special this union is."

"May I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

I paused for a moment, thinking over my words. "Well, we want both an earth wedding and one here. Will at least my father be allowed to be here?"

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