Chapter 3: Dark Past Confessions.

Start from the beginning

"You sir have quiet the fan club, I am amazed you're still single, or get to walk around with security." She giggled out making fun of him. "That's just mean." He said with a pointed look and a chuckle. "Well you got your pick of the liter here. I could totally be your wing man right now, we could have a how I met your mother and play haavvee you met Keith?" She said in a playful way. "I wouldn't talk to any of these women if you paid me. They only looking for someone who can maintain them, or worse yet a sugar daddy like guy. That is not up my alley. Any ways why don't you tell me something about you instead?" He said leaning closer on the table arms crossed giving her all his attention. When the waiter came.

"Here are your drinks are you ready to order?" "Yeah I'll take the T-bone medium with the veggies. Tess?" He asked. "I'd like half of the turkey club and some fries." She said. He gave her a tilted look. "I'm not that hungry and if I eat a bigger meal I'll probably start drifting to sleep while taking vitals." She shrugged. He put his hands up in surrender. "Can't have that now." He said with a laugh. "So seriously, tell me something about you I don't already know." "Like what?" She asked. "Anything, what's something you like to do if you have time to yourself?" HE asked taking a drink. "OK well I like to sleep, read, and every now and than I like to go for a jog. I like going out and relaxing with the girls. I like the crazy movie nights Tre' every now and than. That's about it." "That Tre is a trip. What's the story there with you too anyway?"

HE asked as their food came, and they thanked the waiter. "Well one day in grade school he came walking in the middle of he school year sat down next to me, asked me do ships have cargo, but cars have shipments, and we've been besties ever since." She said with a chuckle. Keith shaking his head eating his meal. "SO you guys never dated or anything after all this time?" "Oh HELL NO!" She said in busted up laughter. "That man is my brother from another mother, there's never been anything like that between us. Just never." She said. They talked for a little bit and she enjoyed herself when the waiter came to bring the check she asked for her to be separate despite his protest.

She was getting her stuff together as they both stood up. When he heard he phone going off with the picture of Xavier kissing her on the cheek. She didn't have the courage to show her real her screen saver of the first picture the took looking happily at the camera. Keith looking down at the picture trying to hide his jealousy. "Hello." She asked with a wide smile. "Hey baby girl how you doing?" He said in that voice that made her heart skip. "I'm actually getting ready to walk back to work from lunch." She said. "Oh yeah where did you go?" "Keith and I went down to the steak house down the way form the office." She said. "That sounds nice. Hey I don't really want to keep I was just wanted to ask you something real quick. The park is having a movie night where they pull out that big projector and have the food vendors and stuff Saturday night I was wondering if you wanted to honor me with a third date?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that sounds fun. If that tri-tip sandwich guy is back, I might act up a little I love those damn things." She said making him laugh. "Well alright I'll let you get make to hanging with Keith I just wanted to ask you that. Talk to you later." He said as he waited for her to say goodbye and hang up the phone. "So you ready?" Keith asked with a smile. "Yeah let's go." She smiled at him. She couldn't help but smile the whole back since she hung up the phone. Keith was torn between wondering if it was because the good time they had or the date Xavier made.

"So I was hoping to ask you a favor. I got a couple of friends coming to celebrate one of their new job offers, you know a handful of doctors and nurses I was hoping I could go with me." "Me, really why?" "Well you know Travis has plans already and I have fun with you, you said we're friends right? Well these friends minus the one we're celebrating of course are a bunch of my horse is better than your horse friends and if I don't you there to keep my manners and boredom in check I might just hurt someone." He said looking at her with pleading eyes. "Please, we can even leave early but don't make me go meet these people alone." He whined. "Fine. I will go I can't leave a friend hanging like that. I know what that's like. Man thank god for Tre' sometimes." She said in a give up sigh.

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