Frsot:we promise not to break anything

We walked in.

Lycus:(whisper) much

Raymond:thanks for Frost we owe ya

Lycus:I don't care...christ this place has the shittest stuff

Ares:it ain't to bad oh nice black and silver

Ares:it ain't to bad oh nice black and silver

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Raymond:don't pick to fast now-

He stopped and picked up one.

He stopped and picked up one

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Raymond:never mind

I looked around for anything I wanted. They got nothing like this back home. Both homes. Frost walked back with a white suit and a hat?

 Frost walked back with a white suit and a hat?

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Ares:really a fedora?

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Ares:really a fedora?

Frost:fuck you I like

Raymond:you "suit" it

Frost laughed and blushed.

Lycus:I will stab you Raymond

I had a look around for awhile until I found a black suit with red vest. I took the coat off and yeah this will work.

 I took the coat off and yeah this will work

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(Role the sleeves up)

Frost:nice maybe now you won't look like you came from the wasteland

Lycus:bitch I look godly


Wr paid for the crap and I gave the guy at the door a look that said "I will wipe you the fuck out with precision unknown to this Earth" I think he got the message.

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi FLAR waiting.


Lycus:just fucking do it

Frost:you do it first

Lycus:fine then fuckin pussy

I walked over to Velvet.


Lycus:hey Vel I'm assuming me and you are going to the dance?


Lycus:its a yes or no question

She hugged me.

Velvet:of course I will

I hugged back.

Velvet:you wanna hang out?

Lycus:in a minute I need to help Frost boy troubles


Lycus:yep, Raymond


Lycus:that's what Yamg said when she found out, I'll be there soon

She kissed me.

Velvet:ok see you soon

I walked back over to Frost.

Lycus:easy shit, oh here he comes

I pushed him in front of Raymond.

Raymond:Lycus be careful he isnt a toy

Lycus:bite me!

Frost looked up at Raymond.

Frost:Raymond...w-w-would you like to...uh go t-to the fucking dance...thing

Raymond blushed.



He went stiff.

Lycus:Frost,Frost? Ok imma get him back see ya soon

I picked him up like a surf board and walked away.

Lycus:now where is Ares?


I was sitting having lunch in the cafeteria waiting for my team when Coco walked over. I was drinking when she asked.

Coco:want to go to the dance?

I spat out my drink.

Ares:excuse me?

Coco:you heard me

Ares:me? With you?


Ares:your not confusing me with anyone else?

Coco:nope you and me

I blushed.


Coco:good, see ya soon hottie~

She walked off. Oh dear christ they were right.

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