7- For Merely Dreaming We Were Snow

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Ayo, ik what you're thinking:
God, why does he update so infrequently?
The answer is: I'm forgetful and sad! But I just got out of the hospital (if u know what kind I'm referring to) and I've been doing a lot better. So here's a new update!
Also, Happy Saimami week! Enjoy :)

CW: brief mentions of self-hatred. This chapter is also a bit long to make up for the slow updates.

//Shuichi POV//

During the next few weeks, I spend a lot of time getting closer with Rantaro, reconnecting with Kiibo, and gaining the confidence to finally try to speak with Kaede.

Instead of paying rent, which I obviously can't do, I help Rantaro by cooking meals(sometimes he tries to help, and we have a great time messing around and making fun of each other instead of actually finishing the cooking), cleaning, and helping him organize his time.

"Oh, Shuichi, what would I do without you?" he says.

"Probably starve."

"You'd be a good housewife," he jokes, "long before your time, I had to go and catch fish with my hands in the ocean to survive!"

"Wow, you're practically dust!"

We laugh.

"Wanna head out then?" He asks.

"Yeah," I reply.

Today we're going to the mall to have fun and buy things to redecorate the apartment, since I always complain about it being so bland.

We have to drive through an entire building filled with parking spots! I've never been to a place so huge that's just for shopping.

We enter through a series of automatic doors, and I look around in awe. This place is at least three stories of hundreds of different retail companies!

"Did we really have to go to a place this big for decorations?"

"Hey, it's my money, and I want to give you the best first mall experience you could ever get," he says, smiling.

"Well, thanks in advance!"

We walk around until a certain store catches my eye: Hot Topic.

Rantaro notices me staring and says, "Wanna check it out?"

I nod sheepishly.

Inside, the walls are dark and the place is filled with merchandise from bands, singers, animes, Tv shows, you name it.

Rantaro talks about a few older bands, such as Nirvana and The Beatles.

"Wow, you're really into alt rock! I've never really listened to those kinds of bands," I say.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" Rantaro asks.

"Anything, really, but my favorite group is probably Mother Mother," I reply.

"Oh, I've heard of them, but I haven't really heard any of their songs. You should introduce me!"

"Sure thing," I chuckle.

We buy a few shirts, check out, and get back to finding other good places.

"GameStop! I love GameStop!" Rantaro exclaims.

And more bags to carry, but we actually found some nerdy posters and plushies for the couch and our bedrooms. And we also bought Animal Crossing New Horizons, which will be fun to take turns playing.

Eventually, we've found a reasonable amount of things to place around the apartment, so we spend the last couple hours just having fun. We were about to get boba, but I've recently discovered that I can only touch things that Rantaro has touched, so we decide not to, because people probably would get freaked out seeing a random guy with a floating cup next to him. But I do feel bad that Rantaro has to carry everything, even though he reassures me over and over that it's fine.

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