9- The Future Is Always Waiting For Us

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Apologies if any of the medical information is incorrect.

I finally had the last chapter written, but something went wrong, and it ended up publishing a piece of an old draft that I had written, and since then, I have made several changes.

// Shuichi POV //

The morning sun is the first to greet me as I open my eyes.

A hospital room.

I feel as though I've been asleep for years.

Next to the bed, there is a button for requesting help from a nurse or doctor. I press it. Soon enough, someone is inside the room with me.

"Mr. Saihara, you're awake!" She says. Her name tags says "Dr. Tsumiki".

"What happened?" I respond.

She takes a seat near the bed and explains everything.

After getting in a bad accident, I've been in a coma for quite some time. I start spacing out in the middle of her explanation, I begin to vaguely remember something important.

I remember a man with green hair, but all I can recall about him is us spending time together. I wish I knew his name...

Well, there's nothing I can do about it. It was probably just a weird dream, anyways.

"Mr. Saihara?" The doctor says.

"Oh, sorry," I respond.

"That's alright, I'm honestly not quite sure how you're already sitting up and speaking normally. Usually it would take a long time for you to relearn all of that. Can you move your arms and legs for me?"

I wiggle my fingers, but only my right arm moves. I can't move my legs, either.

"I see.. it seems you'll have to remain here for quite some time."

My uncle comes to visit me almost every day, bringing my my homework from college and just chatting with me. Meanwhile, I go through daily physical therapy and other things to help my rehabilitation, and after several months in the hospital, I still can't completely walk, but I'm finally going to be able to go home, in a wheelchair, that is.

I'll still have to come back frequently, but it's good to finally be able to sleep in my own room at my uncle's house.

The doctors and nurses celebrate my departure with me, and eventually, I'm finally home once again.

"Hey, I think I'm going to take a walk...um, I'm going to head to the beach," I say, feeling a strange urge to go there immediately, as if something special would be waiting for me.

"Then I'm coming with you," my uncle says.

"I want to go alone. I'm not a little kid anymore, just because I'll be in a wheelchair for a while, doesn't mean I can't handle myself," I respond.

"I suppose. Be back in half an hour," my uncles replies.

And so, I wheel myself to the beach, which is only about a two-minute trip.

I can't go down the stairs that lead to the sand anymore, but thankfully, there's also a ramp nearby that I can use.

Once my wheels hit the sand and being to sink down, I get stuck. I try pushing as hard as I can, but I guess it's just not gonna work. I decide to just sit there and enjoy the sight, sounds and smell of the waves crashing onto the shore and the rocks.

Suddenly, I hear a voice behind me.


I turn around in my seat and look up. My eyes meet a pair of shining green irises that belong to the very same man that I could barely remember. The memories all come flooding back, and tears begin to swell in my eyes.


He runs to me, lifts me out of my chair, and holds me tight, crying things like "Shuichi, Shuichi, you...you're alive!"

I can't help but cry as well, shouting, "Rantaro, you're real, you're here!"

Such a strange sight this must be, two grown men hugging, crying, and shouting obvious things at each other.

After a while of doing this, Rantaro pulls away and stares and me again.

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" I giggle, and he chuckles.

We both lean in until I can feel a soft, warm feeling in my heart, and warm and wonderful lips pressing against mine.

The end.

Hi, I hope you enjoyed my story! Again, I'm sorry about the weird thing that happened to this chapter, so if you were able to read it before, it might not be the same.

Thank you so much for all your love and support, and have a great day/night!

Unforgettable // Amasai //Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz