6- Fall Back Into Place

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A/N: sorry for the delayed update! Also, when their old schools are mentioned, I'll just be using "X school" and "Y high school" for the primary and middle/high schools. I can't be bothered to come up with names for them, lmao.

I've edited this quite a few times because I forgot that I included Kaede earlier in the story...

// Rantaro POV //

"Could you come with me? I think we should continue this conversation," I request.

"Ah, I have class..." he trails off, "...but I can't shake the feeling that this is important, so.. where are we going?"

I take Kiibo to the beach where Shuichi and I first met.

"I found him here," I say, "no one else can see him, apparently."

"You said his name was Shuichi Saihara, correct?" he asks.

"Yes. I'm not insane, I promise."

Kiibo chuckles a little as Shuichi stands next to him in silence. The pained look on his face is apparent.

As Kiibo begins to think, I ask, "Is there anything you want to ask or say to each other?"

They both look up at me. Then Shuichi stares at the ground. After a moment, he speaks up, asking, "Can you ask Kiibo if he's... made any friends?"

"Sure," I say, then turn to Kiibo, "he wants to know if you've made friends."

"Since starting college? Um... There's Himiko, Tsumugi, Korekiyo, Angie, Gonta.. I guess that's kinda the group I've got right now.. We're all pretty introverted, and I guess we don't "fit in", so it's really fun being with them," he explains.

Shuichi smiles softly and says, "I'm happy that you're more social than you were before.. I hope someday I can meet your friends,"

After I repeat Shuichi's words, Kiibo smiles and says, "I'm sure they'd love you. Despite being different from the "norm", they get along pretty well with everyone they talk to."

"So we were best friends? What primary school did you attend, Shuichi?" Kiibo asks.

"X primary school and Y middle-high," Shuichi says, and I repeat.

Kiibo's eyes widen, and he says "I attended both of those as well..!"

"Did he..wear a hat at some point? This is all so confusing, am I becoming an amnesiac?!" Kiibo exclaims.

// Shuichi POV //

"Shuichi, why do you wear that all the time? Do you sleep in that hat?" A teenage Kiibo laughs.

"Hey, don't laugh! I just don't like looking at people.. so with the hat covering part of my face, it makes me feel secure, yknow?"

"Why not? You've got a great face!" A girl with blonde hair laughs. Who is that?

"Uhh... thanks?"

"But f'real, you've gotta be more confident, Shu! Look me in the eyes and tell me something good about yourself," the girl continues.

"But.. I dunno..." teenage me mumbles.

"If you're about to say that you can't think of anything good about yourself, then you're a liar. You're super cool! You're thoughtful, comforting, you're good at puzzles.." Kiibo says.

"Kiibo, you're giving him ideas! He's gotta think of his good traits by himself!" the girl scolds.

"Oh, sorry!" Kiibo laughs, "Hurry up, Shuichi!"

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