Stepping Stones

37 6 13

- 2018 - Miami, Florida - Danielle

"You told him you were in love with him!" Natalia gasped.

I slammed back another tequila shot and nodded my head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

I groaned while banging my head on the table, "I don't know it just slipped out!"

Therapy with James had been going well. Our fights have become few and far between, and our friends have told us they like hanging out as a group more now that we get along. He frustrated me still, but I've learned to pick my fights and so has he.

I don't know what came over me yesterday. One minute we're talking about how I spilled fries in his truck, the next we're screaming at each other.

The response I had to, "What the hell is your problem?" Should not have been, "My problem, is that I have fallen in love with you! I can't tell you, because I'm scared."

Jenny raised an eyebrow at me. I had to play it off like I was annoyed when in reality my heart was racing. I knew he kept a Spanish/English dictionary in his desk drawer. He uses it to translate words on witness reports. I was so terrified that he had picked up enough to know what I had said.

"Alright! Time to get you out of this funk!" Natalia proclaimed. "I dare you to go pinch that guy's ass."

I sat up and looked around, "Which guy?"

Wait, was I actually considering this? I suppose Jose has the reigns tonight since the tequila has been flowing since I got here two hours ago.

"That one," she pointed to a guy at the bar. His jeans hugged his nice ass and thighs. Those wide shoulders stretched out under his t-shirt. It was only his back but damn that man was fine as hell.

"I'm in!" I tossed back another shot before jumping down from my chair.

My confidence started to rattle the closer I got to him.

"Okay, deep breath, you've got this," I coached myself quietly.

I took a large gulp of air and reached out and pinched the guy's ass. What I wasn't expecting was the guy to turn around and be James. Of course, Karma loves me like this. I started to giggle before I busted out with deep belly laughs. I suppose I have had just a touch too much to drink.

He chuckled at the sight of me almost rolling on the floor then looked over at Dallas who I hadn't even noticed was sitting there.

"Gonna have to rain check on that next beer. I think this one needs a lift home."

I stumbled my way back to Natalia who was shaking with laughter.

"You could have warned me," I hissed quietly.

"Then it wouldn't have been fun to watch," she responded.

"I'm taking her home, you good?" James asked her.

"Yeah, I haven't been drowning any sorrows tonight," she answered.

He turned to me, "Everything okay?"

The concern in his voice melted some of the ice around my heart, "I'm fine. Promise."

I don't remember how I got into his truck or the drive to my apartment complex. I do remember sliding down his body as he lifted me out of his truck. The feel of his hands on my hips as he guided me into the building. Leaning my head on his shoulder while we waited for the elevator.

He uses a different cologne when he goes out than when he's working. I prefer this one, it's a little stronger. Once we were in front of my door, he waited until I unlocked it before turning to leave.

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