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it's been three days since the party. since then, billie hasn't responded to my texts or shown up to the one class we have together.

which begs the question of what the hell did i do?

looking back, i don't see anything that i did wrong that would cause her to just ghost me like this. i asked her if she was okay and she snapped at me; i don't get it.

i let out a sigh as i turned in my bed. my phone was sitting on my nightstand, with 'she' by dodie playing through the speakers.

"and she smells like lemongrass and sleep. she tastes like apple juice and peach."

"bro, you've had that song on repeat for the past hour!" i heard normani complain.

"your point?"

"it's annoying!"

i heard her footsteps, and i turned to see that she had walked in. she raised a brow. "what's wrong?"

"nothing." i lied.

"don't give me that bullshit," she rolled her eyes, then walked over to sit on the edge of my bed. "talk to me, ag."

i let out a sigh. "i dunno, bro."

"what do you mean?"

"okay, so saturday, me and billie went to a party. everything seemed fine except towards the end of the night. i saw her head, like, jerk to the side a few times, so i had asked her if she was okay. she said she was fine, which never means that you're fine. it's always the opposite. so i asked again just to make sure and she snapped at me." i explained.

i reached a hand up to run it down my face. "we haven't talked since saturday. she won't answer my texts, and she didn't show up to our class today or yesterday. i— i don't get it, bro."

i was silent for a moment. "oh, and how could i forget; she kissed me at the party! she was drunk though, of fucking course. and i know i shouldn't, but i seriously can't stop fucking thinking about it, dude. like... her lips were so soft, and even though she was drunk, she's a good kisser. i, like, immediately pulled away from it, 'cause she was drunk, and i'm not about to try and take advantage of her like that."

"and it honestly kinda hurts because i know she wouldn't have kissed me if she was sober," i frowned. "i don't even know if she remembers the kiss, which also sucks. fuck, man."

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