Pansy and Daphne had joined Theo and Blaise who were walking ahead with a few others. I forced my lips to turn up into a smile as we began following after them, "No, it's okay. I missed you too."

Concern was swimming in his eyes so I spoke before he could, "How was practice?"

His hand intertwined with mine and he said, "Good."

"Just good?" I asked, sensing there was more to his answer.

"Yeah," he shrugged, "It's not the same as it once was."

I could see the disappointment in his eyes, "Is there a reason for that?"

"I don't know. It really just doesn't feel the same," Draco shook his head and then wrapped his arm around my shoulder, "I guess I'm just older now but it was good while it lasted."

"Are you thinking of quitting?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'm going to do one last game," he shrugged and then turned to me with a grin slowly pulling up his lips. His eyes glistened with some sort of desire.

I narrowed my brows together, "What?" I could feel my cheeks heating just from that look he was giving me.

His grin widened and my eyes went to his jaw, noticing how sharp that part of his face was. I swallowed, remembering for a second Noah but Draco was here. Draco was here, I had to keep reminding myself. I am safe. I am allowed to feel heated for my boyfriend but for some reason, it feels like I shouldn't. I have more important things to do—like find the stupid crystal.

For all I know, Noah could be watching. The thought alone made my blood run cold.

Draco's hand dropped to my waist and gripped the curve of my back—chills erupted from his touch and all I wanted to do was pull him into a corner and kiss him. Devour him.

Fuck it.

Suddenly, before I could have second thoughts, I pulled Draco into a door which I hoped was only a storage room and by some miracle of Merlin, it was. My lips were on his even before the light from the hallway was darkened by his foot kicking the for closed.

Fuck Noah. And fuck his silly crystal.

Draco's hands gripped either side of my waist as I arched my back, leaning up to his face where my lips attacked his. My hands gripped his jaw and the back of his strong neck. Our kiss grew stronger and became more intense with every second that passed. Breathless noises escaped us and our hands explored one another like we hadn't touched in eternity.

I kissed him like it would be our last time. It might very well be.

The blinding thought slowed my kiss and made my body shiver, and not from Draco's hands on my thighs. He didn't notice the fear in my eyes when his mouth moved to my neck and kissed me ravenously.

It was too dark in here. Too dark.

The fear was shoved to the back of my mind when Draco eagerly spread my legs and his body slammed between them, pressing against me. It was hard not to arch into him, grind against him.

My mind was a storm of thoughts. A deadly mix of dangerous desire and need and an awful amount of terror. I wanted Draco to take me right here but—but.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now