"Want another?" Marcus asked me.
"Sure." I replied, handing him my empty beer can. He threw it away and gave me another can.
"I guess my mother was right when she said all the Irish were good for was getting drunk." I teased him. He laughed loudly at my comment, "That's not all we're good for." He said, lifting his eyebrows up and down playfully at me. I giggled as I took a sip of my beer. I heard my phone begin to ring.
"Who is it?" Marcus asked, leaning over my shoulder to look at my phone screen.
"Are you still mad at him?" He questioned.
"Yeah." I replied.
"Then ignore it."
I did what he said and pressed the ignore button on my phone.
Seconds later, I had a voicemail from Louis.
I put it on speaker so Marcus could hear it too.
"Hey Jessica..." We heard him say, "I'm truly sorry about what happened yesterday... I really want you to come home now. Please call me back."
I felt bad for him.
"I think I'm gonna call Louis back..." I began.
"Come on. Don't let him have his way, Jessica." Marcus told me, looking straight into my eyes.
"Make him feel even worse by staying longer."

I don't know if it was because I was drunk, or because I was practically hypnotized by those gorgeous brown eyes of Marcus' , but I decided to do what he said.
On any other day I wouldn't listen to him.
Normal Jessica would say, "No, he's my boyfriend and I care about him. Why would I want to make him feel worse?"
But I guess today I wasn't 'normal Jessica'.

Marcus kept serving me more and more beer bottles as we hung out that day. He and I bonded a lot yesterday, so we were much more comfortable around each other now.
When I had left me and Louis' flat, I had called Marcus and he comforted me with this whole situation. He was completely on my side, and made me feel better about the whole thing.
I had met him at a bar only a couple weeks ago, and now here I was laughing with him, drunk off my ass.
My cell phone rang again, and it was Louis.
My expression completely changed to anger as I stared at the blurry name on my screen.
"Put it on speaker." Marcus slurred. I nodded as I answered my phone, then putting it on speaker like Marcus had asked.
I didn't say anything so Louis didn't either, not knowing if I had answered or not.
"Hello?" He called.
"Hello." I replied.
"Jessica! Where are you? I want you to come home." Louis told me.
"I don't want to come home." I pouted.
"Babe? Where are you? Please... I'll come pick you up if you need me to... I just really want you to come back home." He pleaded.
"Because I want to fix this. Jess please come home... Please." Louis begged, his voice cracking slightly at the end. It didn't sound like he was crying, but it did sound like he was sad.
"Okay..." I gave in, "I will. Bye." I hung up the phone.
"Pathetic!" Marcus shouted, throwing his hands into the air,
"You're not really going to fall for that are you?"
"It's not pathetic. Don't call my boyfriend pathetic." I told him, putting my phone in my pocket.
"So you're going home then? How are you gonna get there?" He questioned.
"I'm walking." I answered, opening his front door.
"In that?" He asked.
Everything outside was bright white, fresh snow was everywhere.
"I guess so." I responded, stepping out into the cold air.
"I can drive you if you want." He offered.
"You aren't sober enough to. And our flat isn't too far away, so it's ok." I told him a I dragged my feet through the snow.
He simply watched me in his doorway. I must've looked like an idiot.
I realized about half way through my walk that I could just call Louis to come pick me up, so I did.
"H-hey Lou, can you come pick me up? I'm at uh... I'm close kinda to our apartment." I informed him.
"Where are you?" Louis questioned.
"I don't know. I can't see the street sign." I told him.
He then muttered something under his breath I couldn't understand.
"I'll find you, just sit tight." Louis told me. So I hung up.
A couple minutes later, Louis showed up in his car, with his pajamas on. I walked up to his car and climbed inside. I didn't say anything, and I completely ignored Louis glances. He may have even said something, and I still ignored him as I stared out the window.
"Jessica!" Louis yelled. I turned around to face him, an annoyed expression etched on his features.
"We're home." He said.
I nodded and we both walked inside.


She was definitely drunk.

Questions passed through my mind as I watched her.
Her eyes were bloodshot and there were small dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Her hair was a mess, and her makeup was as well. It looked like she had forgotten to take it off the night before.

Where the hell did she stay?

Whoever she stayed with definitely gave her too much to drink.
I couldn't talk with her when she was in this state.
"Jessica, who did you stay with?" I asked her.
"No one you know." She sneered, walking to our bedroom.

Whoever the hell it was, I had a feeling they had done this to her on purpose... and I wasn't happy about it.

{Heeeyyy thAnks for reading! :D
Sorry if this chapter is shorter... I feel like it isn't but it might be lol idek I was texting my friend earlier while I was writing this and I got distracted. I was going to make it longer but I was like Heeey this would make a good ending point so I made it an ending point. also I'm supposed to be asleep now so yeah. I feel like this is a good enough amount. I barely got this out in time hah I procrastinate too much. And keep reading cuz like literally this is the little drama there will be soooo much more >:D ok ily if u read this k bye}

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