Chapter 42

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As I drove away from the depressing hospital, I began to think about what Kathryn had told me.

"If I were you, I would've dropped her a while ago."

Her voice rang in my mind, and I became even more confused.

I thought about Kathryn much more than I ever did with Jessica.

Not anything too creepy, just how she was doing, or maybe what she was up to.

And lately, I'd never had those thoughts about Jessica.
She was always gone, and I would never even wonder which bar she would be at now because I've started to care less and less.

And yes, this was a bad thing. Weren't you supposed to care for your girlfriend?!

I didn't know what to do.
I liked things the way they were then, honestly. I liked the relationship Kathryn and I had, and I was happy with the way Jessica and I were.
Yes, she treated me like shit, and I wasn't okay with that. But I was okay with her being away, because that meant more time for me to hang out with Kathryn.
I just enjoyed talking to Kathryn. I don't know... I found her really interesting, and it was fun to have a conversation with her.
So maybe I could just fight fire with fire, and if Jessica treated me like shit, I could do the same to her.
I knew I could do that too, because I knew for a fact that I was amazing at roasting people.

I was then satisfied with my decision, and I smiled as I turned the corner on my street.

But the real question was,
What was I to do then?

I was more alone than I made myself out to be.

Usually at this time I would hang out with Niall and Harry, but since Harry was angry with me, I couldn't do that. And it's not like I was going to just hang out with Niall, they were like a duo. It's either both of them, or none of them.

I decided on doing my math homework, since I hadn't gotten it done it class last time.

And as I finished each problem, slowly one by one, I grew even more bored than I was already.

I still finished it, nevertheless.

*How's it going?* I texted Kathryn, not knowing what else to do.

*Okay. I shouldn't be texting you though. It's rude.* She replied soon after.

*Fine. Bye.* I texted her back, a long sigh escaping my lips.

And so, I sat there for a long while, debating on what I should do.

Before I decided, the door opened, and in walked Jessica. Behind her was Marcus, the guy who she always seems to hang out with.

"Oh. Hey." She said awkwardly, "I didn't think you'd be home yet,"

"Where else would I be?" I questioned her.

"I- I thought you and Kathryn were going somewhere." She answered.

"Yeah. We went Christmas shopping. Now we're done," I told her, "and I'm back."

"Oh." She simply said.

"Why is he here?" I asked her casually, looking at my phone as she replied.

"He always comes over."

"Oh, does he now?" I questioned, "So that's what you get up to."


"At least you aren't drunk." I interrupted her, "Don't worry, I don't have a problem with it. Have fun."

I walked into my room and lied in my bed, a groan escaping my lips.

There wasn't that much time until I was to go pick up Kathryn, so I spent this time doing what any other boyfriend would do.
I eavesdropped on their conversation.

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked her.
"I don't know. He's always giving me mixed reactions. I'm always so confused." Jessica told him, "Usually he'd be furious with me having a guy over, I don't know why he was different now."

"Maybe he trusts you more now." Marcus suggested.

"No, no, I feel like he doesn't trust me at all." Jessica interrupted him, "Maybe he just doesn't care. He seems like he's way more caught up in Kathryn's well being than he is with mine."

I leaned away from the door as confusion stuck my senses.

What did she mean by, "I feel like he doesn't trust me at all" ?

And what did she mean by me being more caught up in Kathryn's well being than hers?
Surely Jessica couldn't be going through anything more severe than anything Kathryn has gone through, right? And if she was, she would tell me, right?
But then I came to my senses.
She wouldn't tell me.
She would tell that bastard, Marcus.

But I didn't even care.
She was right, I didn't trust her.
I was happy with the way things were, and she seemed to be too.
If she wasn't, she would've broken up with me, or cheated on me, or something.
If she was going through something, it wasn't big enough to get me involved, so it wouldn't be an issue big enough for me to worry about.

"I don't know, Marcus, I'm so glad I have you. It's like, you and I have a connection... And it makes me forget about all the drama." I heard Jessica say.

Before I could get angry, I remembered that Kathryn and I had that same "connection". So I didn't have the right to get mad.

Jessica had found herself her own Kathryn.
It's just this guy seemed to be a dick, but Jessica didn't mind.

I looked to the clock, seeing as it was time to start making my way back to the hospital.

I busted through the door, seeming to interrupt some moment that must've been happening between Jessica and Marcus. They just stared at me awkwardly as I walked past them, and through the front door.

Sorry it took me 5 million years to update. I suck. Sorry. I've been busy, there's been drama. I've been wasting time with stupid pointless shit. Too much thinking, idk. I also was debating on making half of this Louis' POV and the other half Kathryn's and when I decided not to I had to figure out what to do with the rest. What I do for this is I have a basic plot for this story, like all the major conflict, but not the minor ones, so I have to think about what I'm gonna do in each chapter before I write it or it turns to shit. That's why it takes a long time sometimes.
Sorry, again. I'll try harder to update the next chapter quicker!
Ily bye

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