Chapter 23

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Even though I knew Kathryn didn't want to talk to me, I still wanted to at least try to have a conversation with her.
Luckily, there she was sitting in her usual spot in class.
It was a perfect moment to talk to her.

I sat next to her and saw that she was wearing earphones. Her notebook was out, as always, and she was hovering over it in a way that no one else could see it.

"Kathryn." I stated.
No response.
I tapped her shoulder, and she swatted my hand away.
"Kathryn, please talk to me." I started, "I didn't do anything wrong..."

Except I did.
I kissed her.

But was that really so wrong?

"She probably can't even hear me, I'll talk to her during class." I thought to myself.

Once class started, I looked over at Kathryn and saw her put away her notebook, and earphones.
Even though I was staring straight at her, she acted as if I wasn't even there.
Mr. Worgan began his lecture, but I completely tuned him out.
I was trying to figure out what Kathryn was thinking.

She looked different.
Her eyes usually would hold that sense of... liveliness. They would always sparkle... they would always show something.
But now, they were dull. Her eyes didn't seem to glisten, or sparkle as they usually did.
They looked so... boring.

"Kathryn." I whispered.
She didn't look at me, or anything. She ignored me just like I was doing to our teacher.

"Kathryn." I whispered again, "I miss hanging out with you."
She didn't say anything, but I knew she was listening.

"Please say something, Kathryn. Please." I begged.

Mr. Worgan became silent as he watched Kathryn get up from we seat, not saying a word, and leave the classroom. The whole class watched her.

He looked straight at me, expecting me to go after her.

I nodded, and grabbed my stuff as I ran out to the hallway.

"Kathryn!" I yelled.

There was no way she would be able to get home this fast.
But she could possibly be on her way already.

I ran out to the car park, and quickly started my car. I was going to look for Kathryn, and I was going to fix us.


I could feel the emotions building up inside me.

"I miss hanging out with you."

I only caused problems in his life... We shouldn't hang out...

"Please say something, Kathryn. Please."

What part of 'I don't want to talk to you' doesn't he understand?!

I felt like crying.
I had to get out of there.
There was no way in hell I was going to cry at school in front of all those people.





So I began to run home.
Of coarse, the running part didn't last long. My stamina and my emotions eventually slowed me down to a walk.

Tears freely ran down my cheeks as I walked.

I wanted to be Louis' friend.
I wanted him to be a part of my life.
I wanted to be a part of his life.

But I couldn't be.

"All I ever do is fuck everything up... why do I even try..." I mumbled.

He was better off without me.
We both knew that.

His life was fine until I showed up.

He said it himself...
I was the only thing out of the ordinary in his life.

So therefore, I should go so his life can be normal again.

I just had to suck it up, and accept the fact that I was meant to be alone.

I must have been created to be alone... Because I've never had a relationship with anyone that I've not broken.

I sat down on a bench that was along the pavement.

I opened my bag and got out some tissues and my mirror.

I wiped away my tears, and the mascara that smeared into my cheeks.
Once that was done, I sucked it up and continued walking.


There she was.
She looked at the ground as she walked.

She was already this far, so she must've ran some of the way.

I drove beside her, but she didn't bother to look up.

"Kathryn." I spoke.

She stopped walking and jerked her head up in surprise.

She didn't say anything. She just looked at me.
Her eyes had not lost the dull appearance they had, mere minutes ago.

"Do you want a ride...?" I asked.

"No..." She began, her eyes reaching the floor again.

"Kathryn... please, just get in the car." I told her.

The sky was dark and gloomy, a perfect image of what we seemed to be feeling.

"It looks like it's going to rain. Please just..."
My voice trailed off as she opened the car door and sat next to me.

I smiled as I began to drive again.
Now I could finally talk to her.

The car ride was silent.
She was staring out the window, and I was paying attention to the road in front of me.

I wasn't expecting her to break the silence, even though I wasn't going to either.

I wasn't taking her home. 

{wow hanging point I like it I never do that. ok sorry I didn't upload this weekend I was doing a lot of stuff. I'm only one day late... it's ok right? Yeah cool ok comment/vote if you enjoyed!! K byeeeee}

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