Chapter 8

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We began to walk up to the door. Her house was quite big, which was odd because I thought she lived by herself. "Do you live here all by yourself?" I asked her.
"No... I'm part of a sorority, well except-"
"I knew you had friends Kathryn!" I interrupted her. It looked like she was going to say something, but once we opened the door, there were four girls sitting in the kitchen; so she shut up. "Ooh who's this Kathy?" One of the girls said in a mocking tone.
"This is the first time I've seen her invite someone over, did she pay you or something? Or did you just feel bad for her?" Another girl said, "I mean just fucking look at her!" They all laughed. A familiar-looking girl with blonde hair and brown eyes stood up and walked up to us. "Don't tell me he's your boyfriend Kathryn." She said with a laugh, "'Cause he's way outta your league." She bit her lip and batted her eyelashes, trying to get my attention. I ignored her and looked to Kathryn. Her eyes were avoiding everyone's gaze, how could she just let these girls be so mean to her? I looked back to the familiar looking blonde girl and said, "No we're not together. I have a girlfriend so fuck off." I told her.
She looked really offended. It was quite hilarious actually. I looked at Kathryn and I could see that she was holding in a smile. "You shut the fuck up Kathryn! I'm talking to Louis!" She yelled at Kathryn. I noticed her American accent and I realized who this was. "Oh I know who you are... You're that whore from my English class... Suzan- no Sarah!" I exclaimed.
"Whore?!" She questioned angrily, "How the hell am I a whore?!"
"Well, you flirt with just about every guy you see, that's what people say anyways. Everyone knows this Sarah." I reminded her, "Well everyone except for your boyfriend."

All the rest of the girls at the table gasped at my words. Has no one brought this up to her before?

"How the fuck did you know that I had a boyfriend?!" She yelled at me.
"What is it supposed to be a secret?" I asked her, "I guess that would make sense... "
"If you two aren't together then why the fuck are you here?" Sarah changed the subject, of coarse she did.
"We- we're doing a project for our music appreciation class." Kathryn spoke softly.
"I wasn't talking to you, go fucking clean or some shit." Sarah commanded her. Kathryn started to walk away, but I grabbed her hand to stop her.
"You can't tell her what to do, stay here Kathryn." I said.
"No Louis, you don't understand-"
"I can fucking tell her what to do so Kathryn go fucking do your job!" Sarah screamed. I stopped Kathryn again, as I still held her hand. I could tell that she was afraid of this girl, but I was going to stand up to Sarah for Kathryn, and I wanted her to see it. "Louis..." Kathryn started.
"Why the hell are you so mean to Kathryn?" I asked Sarah.

"Because I like being mean to Kathryn. She's the real whore here, not me." Sarah responded, "What is there to like about her anyways? She's a psychotic freak that needs to be locked up somewhere... I fucking swear to god..." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh so she's the psychotic freak that needs to be locked up. Yeah I figured so I mean all she fucking does is draw in a notebook. Ooh somebody needs to fucking arrest her now huh?" I said sarcastically, "They might as well make eating cereal illegal too."
I heard the other girls laughing at the tables, and I smirked at my success in making fun of her.

"You don't know her as well as you think you do Louis. Trust me, when you find out... you'll feel the same as I do." She gave an exaggerated laugh.
"Fuck you." She said going back to the table in the kitchen where everyone else was sitting.
"Right back at ya Sarah!" I responded, as Kathryn started leading me upstairs, "Hope you have fun with whatever prick you bang tonight." I flipped her off as we walked upstairs. I heard all the other girls laughing as we went to the second floor. She let go of my hand, which I had been holding this whole time to keep her from running away. "Thanks Louis... no one has ever done that before." Kathryn said softly as she and I walked up another set of stairs.
"It's fine." I told her, "She needed someone to talk some fucking sense into her."
Kathryn didn't say anything.
"Why the hell do you live here Kathryn? These girls are horrible to you!" I exclaimed as we stopped in front of a door that was white with a couple dents in it.
"I'll tell you later... I have to do that stuff I was talking about, the stuff I have to do right after school." She answered. I just nodded in response. "Okay, stay here." She said opening the shabby door; this must've been her room. "Alright..." I started.
"I'll be right back." She interrupted me as she closed the door. I had a seat on her messy bed, as I took a look around her room. There wasn't much to see. Her walls were plain white, they were completely empty... everything about her room was quite dull. The only source of light was a little rusty iron lamp with a tan lamp shade on her white cheap-looking nightstand. I pulled the chain to turn it on, and the light slowly flickered on. There really wasn't much to this room. There was a window, but any light or contact to the world was blocked because the shades were pulled down. They looked quite dusty, as if they haven't been touched in months. She had a vintage-looking dresser, with it's white paint which was chipping off terribly. On top of the dresser was basic girl necessities. Makeup, deodorant, nail polish, and other random beauty products. There was a dirty, cracked mirror near the window, covered with fingerprints. The outside of the mirror was a gold, color and it seemed to be rusting. Her desk was simply white. It looked like it was once another color, but it was painted white to match all the other furniture in this room. It was painted quite well too. Next to her desk was an uncomfortable-looking wooded swivel chair. She had a closet with sliding doors that looked small. The only other thing in her room was her back pack which was carelessly thrown by the door. I tapped my foot impatiently on the wood tile floor as I waited for Kathryn to be done with whatever she was doing.

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