Chapter 7

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I walked down the hallway, my backpack slung around my shoulder. My friend Zayn waved at me and I noticed him from the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes, and walked toward him. I always do this to Zayn, he knows that it's just playing around. He's one of my best friends. He was well known around here, mostly because of his looks. As for me, I was more in the middle of popularity. I knew a lot of people on campus, but not as much as Zayn. Luckily, popularity didn't matter in college. "Hey Louis how's it going?" Zayn asked me.
"Good, how about you?" I asked.
"Fine." He replied, "How's Jessica?"
"Good I suppose, I'm not too sure though because she was out all last night." I told him.
"Where was she?" Zayn asked.
"At a club somewhere." I answered, "She came back eventually though."
"You didn't go with her?" Zayn questioned.
"No, I would've but she left directly after her work finished." I told him, "And when I called asking where she was she wouldn't tell me." Zayn didn't say anything, as if he was trying to find some advice somewhere in that tiny brain of his.
"My girl never does that to me, I don't know what to tell you mate." Zayn responded.
I knew he was going to say that. Luckily, I wasn't looking for advice, let alone advice from Zayn Malik.
"It's fine Zayn, I wasn't asking for advice." I told him, trying to make the harshness of my words as clear as possible.
"I didn't mean to offend you bro, let's just talk about something else." Zayn suggested. I shrugged and looked at the time on my phone. "Shit, Zayn we have two minutes and your class is all the way on the other side of the building." I told him.
"Shit... ok well I'll see you later then Louis!" Zayn called, speeding down the hallway. I chucked to myself knowing that we actually had ten minutes, not two. I just wanted to get to my next class... and stop talking to Zayn. I walked in Mr. Worgan's music appreciation class and saw Kathryn again, drawing like she was two days ago. "Hello, Kathryn Woods." I said sitting next to her.
"Why are you calling me that?" She asked me.
"That's your name isn't it?" I stated. She rolled her eyes and continued her drawing.
"What are you drawing?" I asked her, scooting my chair closer to try and get a peek of whatever she kept so secretive in that notebook.
"Why do you care?" She snapped, closing the notebook and looking at me.
"Well it has to be something good if you won't show me." I told her.
"Maybe I just don't want to show you." She said, slipping the blue notebook in her bag. I sighed in defeat, slumping down in my chair. "You're making this quite difficult, you know that Kathryn?" I remarked.
"Making what difficult?" She questioned.
"You're making it difficult for me to trust you." I replied.
"Who says you have to trust me?" She asked.
"Friends trust each other, Kathryn." I replied.
"I don't trust you." Kathryn told me.
"You don't trust anyone." I responded, "But I'm going to change that."
"No you're not." she said.
"Yes I will." I remarked, "You want to trust me Kathryn. You want to be my friend, don't you?"
She didn't say anything at first, so I used that opportunity to keep talking.
"Because I'm your only friend." I told her, "I'm all you have."

The clock moved to 10:00 class started. Kathryn didn't say anything else, and we both listened to the teacher. "Today, I'm going to give you all a chance to get started on your projects if you haven't started yet. Use this time wisely because I may not give you much class time to get this project done." Mr. Worgan told us. I smirked and turned towards Kathryn. I realized that Kathryn was probably mad at what I just said to her, but I just ignored that and acted like nothing happened. "So are we going to to do a PowerPoint or a poster board?" I asked her.
"Uh..." She started, probably a little surprised that I wasn't going on about the whole 'trust' thing, "Erm... a PowerPoint...?"
"Ok, we'll figure that out later then, since we don't have a laptop or anything." I told her.
"Okay, but-"
"So let's talk." I interrupted her.
"Okay..." She started. I didn't know what to say because she made it pretty awkward. So it was silent for a little while.
"Uh... So yesterday was fun... don't you think?" I asked her, breaking the silence.
"Yeah, I guess." She replied. I nodded and said, "We should hang out again today."
"I don't know..." she started.
"You can follow my car or something after class." I interrupted her.
"I have stuff to do after school at my flat... so-"
"So maybe I can go over to yours...?" I suggested. She didn't say anything, as if she was hesitant of hanging out with me again. "Sure I guess..." She spoke.
"Do you not want me to come over?" I asked her.
"No... it's just-"
"Is there something you don't want me to see at your flat?" I interrupted her, a smirk appearing on my lips.
"N-no... I just haven't invited someone over to my flat before." she told me.
"Yeah ok." I stated, "I'll make sure to keep an eye out." She just rolled her eyes. I smiled and laughed to myself at her response. "Students, since we don't have much to do today... I am giving you the choice to stay here and continue working on your projects, or you may leave early. It's your choice, it's your time use it wisely." Mr. Worgan announced. He then sat back down and his attention was brought back to his laptop. About half of the class left, and since the class only had like 10 students, that wasn't much. Kathryn and I left, walking toward the car park. "So where's your car?" I asked her.
"I don't have a car..." She said bashfully.
"You don't have a car?" I questioned.
"No... I'm not exactly the richest person in the world. So I just walk places or take the tube." She told me.
"I'll give you a ride then, don't worry about it." I assured her. She nodded and I led her to my car.
"Wow, I'm guessing that you're rich?" Kathryn assumed, by looking at my car.
"What makes you think that?" I said sarcastically opening the door for her.
"This car is really nice." She responded, "How much was it?"
"I dunno... My parents bought it for me, and we're not exactly rich... just slightly wealthier that others." I told her, "This was my graduation present, after this I had to spend my own money. So I'm not rich, they are." She nodded and asked, "What type of car is this?"
"It's a Porsche." I told her, "It's like my most prized possession."
"It's gorgeous." She told me.
"I know." I simply replied, "Definitely better than walking." She nodded, agreeing with my statement. I mean, it really was a nice car. It was black, and it only had two seats. The seats were leather, and so was the steering wheel. It drove really smoothly too. "So just keep going straight and I'll tell you when to turn." Kathryn told me. I nodded.
"Ok turn right here." I did what she said. "I'll tell you when to turn next." Kathryn stated. I didn't say anything, and I slightly looked over at her, still paying attention to the road at the same time. Her hazel eyes skimmed the road in front of us as she brought her hand up, moving her hair behind her ear. She then said something, but I just ignored her. "Louis! You turn here!" She yelled.
"Shit..." I mumbled. I jerked the steering wheel left and we heard the tires skid on the gray street, most likely leaving new tire marks. "Sorry about that Kathryn... I just wasn't paying attention." I apologized.
"It's fine." She replied, "I mean, this is better than walking for 20 minutes in the freezing cold."
"I can give you a ride if you'd like." I suggested.
"You are giving me a ride... turn left here." She stated.
"No I mean like... daily. Not me coming over daily, I'm sure you wouldn't like that... I mean I can give you a ride when we have class. My flat is only around 3 minutes away from here." I told her.
"Uh... it's this house right here." Kathryn told me. I parked the car and we both walked out. "Sure... I guess that could work, are you sure you don't mind?" She asked.
"Not at all." I responded.
She smiled, "Thanks Louis." She mumbled.
"No problem." I told her.
"Well... uh let's get inside." She suggested. We were still sitting in my car, but it was parked next to Kathryn's house.
"Right, let's go." I agreed.

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