Chapter 45

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I woke up to a loud ringing in my ears.
I groaned as I took in my surroundings.
I was lying on a tan bed with black sheets covering me, the walls matched the bed and Harry was asleep next to me with just boxers on. I was lying beside him with only a bra on. My cheeks flushed at what probably happened.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid..." I thought to myself. I eventually shrugged it off though because why worry about it if I couldn't even remember it all. I just prayed to God that we used protection. I glanced around Harry's room once again looking for my clothes. I found them all on the ground by the bed and I slipped them on.
Once I had gotten my clothes on, I checked my phone to see the time.
"2 already? What a wasteful Christmas.."
I also saw that I had 3 missed calls from Louis, and 1 from Olivia.
I called Louis back first because he had called me a few minutes ago, which is what must have woken me up.
"Hello?" I spoke as I rubbed my aching headache.
"Kathryn! You don't sound too well, what's up?" Louis asked, "Why did you take so long to call me back?"
"Oh nothing, haven't been up to much. I guess I just slept in late.." I lied.
"Oh... Well okay. Have you opened my Christmas present to you yet?" He questioned.
"N-no... I was gonna wait for you to get back."
"Nonsense, it's Christmas. You should open it right now." He suggested.
"Have you opened mine?" I changed the subject.
"No, I left it at the flat, don't you remember?"
"Oh, oh yeah. So we'll just open them together then-"

"Hey Kathy, what do you want for breakfast?" Harry loudly interrupted me.
I didn't answer him as I quickly got up and walked to the next room.
"Who was that?" Louis questioned.
"Who? What? I'm alone Louis, don't worry-"

"Woman! Don't walk away from me! You don't do that, you owe me for last night!" Harry laughed, as he walked up next to me,"Who are you on the phone with, love?"
"Sorry I didn't hear you Louis, what did you say?" I answered Harry's question and he nodded, becoming quiet as he walked past me to the kitchen.
"I didn't say anyth- wait, are you with Harry?" Louis asked, "Shit.. Fuck, Kathryn you aren't with Harry are you?"
I didn't reply as I heard Louis continue,
"Kathryn! Oh my fucking god I can't believe you, I told you to stay away from him! Were you planning on telling me this? Why did you even see him in the first place?!"
"You aren't in control of me, Louis. Stop acting like you know the best for me. And no, I wasn't planning on telling you." I tried to stay calm, unlike him who as raging out of his mind. I didn't even know why it was such a big deal to him anyways, I could do whatever I wanted. It's not like seeing Harry hurt me, so what's the harm in it?
"Ugh! Why... Why did you.." He began, "Don't- don't tell me he fucked you..."
"I- I don't know-"
"You don't know?! He got you drunk enough that you don't fucking know?!" He paused for a second, and then heaved a huge sigh.
"I don't see the harm in it- we were protected-"
"How do you know that Kathryn?! Do you remember that part?!" He said in an incredibly sarcastic voice.
I was starting to get a little fed up.
"Harry! We used protection right?" I asked him.
"We didn't have sex, I did an amazing job fingering you and you gave me the best blowjob ever." He simply answered, a smirk on his lips.
"Louis we didn't even have sex-"
"Yeah! I bloody heard! Jesus fucking Christ..." He mumbled something else regarding me being a "fucking whore" and then he hung up on me.
I tried to call him back to argue with him about how it didn't matter, and how he didn't have the right to yell at me about it, but he denied all my calls.

"Asshole!" I yelled, throwing my phone on the couch.
"Yes?" Harry answered, laughing along at his little joke.
"Harry I want to go home now. I'm mad and I just wanna be alone." I told him, walking up to him and sitting on the island in the kitchen.
"Why are you mad?" He questioned.
"Louis and I got in a fight," I answered, "You probably heard. I don't know why he was so mad. He called me a whore and everything, but like why did it bother him so much?"

"Do you want me to tell you what I think?" Harry asked, flipping a pancake.

"I think he's jealous." He smirked.
"Jealous?!" My voice squeaked in surprise, as I felt my cheeks flush. I could never imagine Louis being jealous of Harry in this situation.
"Why would he be jealous? He- he doesn't like me in that way-"
"That's what I think." Harry said, "He's jealous because he wants you all to himself. I think he likes being the only one in your life, and so the thought of me ripping you two apart scares him. But that's only my opinion."
"I don't understand..." I began.
"Would you like me to elaborate?" Harry asked. I nodded.
"You guys are really close. Like really close, and you know, if we became a thing, we would become really close. And I, would replace him." Harry finished, "Or, he's just jealous that I got a blowjob from you."
"Shut up... I don't even remember that." I muttered.

*Louis' Pov*

"Fuck!" I shouted, running my fingers through my hair.
Why was I so stressed about this?
I wanted someone else's opinion on this, so I walked outside of my old room that Jessica and I were staying in.
I glanced around the kitchen, seeing that not very many of us were here. They had all gone to the front yard to play footie. I did find Lottie's girlfriend, Ciara, sitting on the couch next to Jessica. And since talking to Jessica about it was the worst idea, I asked Ciara about it.

"Hey, I need a favor, would you mind giving me your opinion on something?" I asked her. Jessica's head shot up as she heard my voice.
"Oh, not you babe I was talking to Ciara. Can I talk to you about something?"
Ciara nodded and followed me into my room.
"I needed someone's opinion on something, and since I know you don't like me and you don't know the people I'm gonna talk about, you're the person to ask." I told her.
"I don't hate you, Louis. But whatever. I'm fine with giving my opinion, so go right ahead."
I paused, fitting the story back into my head.
"Okay... So my best friend slept with basically my ex best friend last night." I told her, "And I'm mad about it."

"... Is that it?" She questioned.
I nodded, awaiting her response.
She didn't say anything.
"I want to know if it's normal that I'm mad about it."
Realization hit her face as she exclaimed, "Oh! Ok. Well,"
"I, myself wouldn't be mad about it. If it was my best friend sleeping with my ex best friend, I'd be sorry for her but whatever it's her choice." She nodded, as if she was pleased with her response.

"But what if I had been warning my best friend not to get involved with my ex best friend for months? Wouldn't that give me an excuse to be mad about it?" I asked her, hoping that she'd side with me.
"Well, I mean, shouldn't she be able to sleep with whoever she wants? She should be able to make her own decisions without people criticizing her about it. I'm just giving my opinion like you asked me to." She shrugged her shoulders at my angry stare. 

"So you're saying I shouldn't be mad about it?" I said, my voice raising in volume, "It's w big deal to me, I feel betrayed. I don't know... It's stressing me out-"
"I don't think you should make it in to such a big deal. It makes it sound like you're jealous. And you shouldn't be, you have a girlfriend." She interrupted me.
"I'm not jealous!" I yelled back.
She gave me an unimpressed look, as if she didn't believe me.
"It just bothers me, okay?" I muttered,
"But yeah, I'll take your advice and try to stop freaking out about it. Thanks Ciara."
"No problem." She said as she started to exit my room.
"Wait- actually I have one more question." I interrupted her.

"If I had called my best friend a whore for this, I should apologize right?"

She rolled her eyes at me as she mumbled, "Coarse, you moron."

"Yeah. I guess that's kinda obvious, thanks again."

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